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  1. Username: Pkmnrangeralex Server: Silver Country/Timezone: GMT -6
  2. Hi! I would like to report that when I'm hunting with my poison heal breloom the skills doesn't activate if it is poisoned, therefore my breloom cannot heal. This only happens after a pokeball is thrown and the pokemon escapes it. When I'm fighting the pokemon it heals, but then I throw the pokeball (with unsuccessful catch) and the pokemon hits back and breloom doesn't heal. When I use a move again after throwing a pokeball, the ability activates once more, but it will keep dormant as long as I'm throwing pokeballs. To contrast this example, a pokemon using leftovers will always heal when I'm throwing pokeballs and not using moves or when I'm using them. Unfortunatelly I haven't foound the way to record it and I was told to report it here by discord managers. If you have doubts, I can explain better. Thank you for your time. Best regards!
  3. Hello. I'd like to request help deleveling my pokemon by 1 level, please. In-game name: Pkmnrangeralex Server: Silver Pokemon ID: 37275610 (Pignite) Thank you very much!
  4. Hi. First of all I thank you for creating this space to improve the game. It really helps and speaks greatly of you all. I found this topic specifically relatable to me due to I've seen it happen many times. I didn't think about it as scamming until now, but what matters most to me is that users learn how to play in a safe and fun environment. I'm against begging for things not because I'm mean, but because I understand the importance of obtaining them with hard work and patience. So, if you can do somethig about it like helping the community identify this type of scam or get them used to report it, that would be great. Meanwhile, I will keep trying to do it on my own like tellig them to try in trade chat and buy stuff, explaining how to use dig spots, etc. Thank you!
  5. I am fine with both cases, but it of course should bring something else in exchange. If possibilites of catching good pokes decrease then I recommend you a way to help us do that or reward us in some other way. But I know you will think of a way. Have a good day!
  6. Hi my name in silver is pkmnrangeralex. Thanks!
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