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Everything posted by Moltisanti

  1. C/O: 160k by KingFabse Time finished.
  2. what about 80k?
  3. Erika says Gengar can't learn giga drain, fix it please.
  4. Re: Kxrizmuh's EV/ Level Training Daycare (BACK IN BUSINESS) <t>Fine, just let me know</t>
  5. Re: Kxrizmuh's EV/ Level Training Daycare (CLOSED FOR JOHTO) <t>How much for training a Happiny from lvl 11 to lvl 96 and full ev training?</t>
  6. I only want EV training, is that alright? IGN: Moltisanti Pokemon: Happiny Current Level: 11 Final Level: - Shall we evolve for you?: no Shall we EV train for you?: 252 on def, 252 on hp and 6 on sp def Rush order?: no What moves?: sofboiled if it learns it
  7. Re: WTS full ev Alakazam, Salamence and Gardevoir <r><QUOTE author="Kakoi"><s> </e></QUOTE> What price were you expecting? hehe<e> </e></QUOTE> Finally I sold it in game, sorry man</r>
  8. Re: WTS full ev Alakazam, Salamence and Gardevoir <r><QUOTE author="Kakoi"><s> </e></QUOTE> I'm looking for more but u are bo for now</r>
  9. Re: WTS full ev Alakazam, Salamence and Gardevoir <t>buuump</t>
  11. I got disconnected, send me a pm please.
  12. The announcement said that players have time until a certain day, if noone fought against each other than both are disqualified. at round 2?
  13. I didn't fight Mawuoel, why it says i lost?
  14. make an offer
  15. Fish & chips
  16. Fresh fish, just offer great ivs max attack hidden ability hidden ability great ivs hidden ability max attack good attack
  17. Moltisanti


    You should ban rain teams on pvp, like Nintendo did. Now everybody is using the same team and battles are not funny anymore.
  18. Cacahuetes
  19. I toke them a week ago and nothing
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