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Everything posted by Trouble66

  1. Username: TROUBLE66 Server: Gold Country/Timezone: CST (USA/Canada)
  2. Username: TROUBLE66 Server: Gold Country/Timezone: US / GMT-5
  3. 1.2m Bid by Hungrytaco247
  4. AUCTION FOR PVP READY HIPPOWDON Starting Bid: 1m Min Raise: 200k Insta: 5m Auction Will Last For 48 Hours Auction Starts Upon First Bid SOLD
  5. I was giving a friend some pokemon for the Elite Four to help them through the story but my Darmanatan is locked to Hoenn and she can not return it to me. We are on Gold Server
  6. I was giving a friend some pokemon for the Elite Four to help them through the story but my Darmanatan is locked to Hoenn and she can not return it to me. We are on Gold Server
  7. 100k for that eevee
  8. im after an h.a adamant eevee please
  9. I'm Looking to buy: Adamant Hidden Ability Eevee with good IVs Timid Hidden Ability Cottonee with good IVs
  10. how much for that first bagon?
  11. can i get my eevee please?
  12. When I use Solar Beam while Sunny Day is active, it doesn't say the text for "(Pokemon) has used Solar Beam on (Pokemon)". It however just shows the text box blank then says Super Effective.
  13. I've been enjoying every bit of the game. I currently have 417 hours of game time. The only thing that I have always found an issue with in game is the PC management. I would like to be able to put Pokemon in specific boxes. Maybe a locking feature so quickly depositing Pokemon doesn't throw them into the first available slot. I'm OCD about the placement of my Pokemon in my box. I would like to be able to make specific boxes for instance my Sync Pokemon, my Pokemon I need to work on, etc. It doesn't have to be fancy or anything, just be able to get some organization going because digging in my boxes for specific Pokemon does get fairly annoying/frustrating.
  14. wtb 11887835 eevee for 70k ign: TROUBLE66
  15. Hi Magicarp, I'm Hops or you can call me Froakie. I would like to be your friend. We can explore the sea together or have swimming races. We can make lots of fish friends on our travels and it'll be GREAT! Maybe we can meet our legendary brother Kyogre.
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