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  1. I disagree with this opinion that Kyurem is too broken for the meta. He is one of the few wallbreakers we currently have. Besides, more stall Pokémon should arrive later and it won't be fun. Having answers against this type of team is good, many players have difficulty and don't like playing against stall teams, I think it's fair to leave at least one card up your sleeve to have a chance to win.
  2. Call on Discord pls, Kauanl0rd#8932
  3. Wtb xmas Mienfoo
  4. Hello, still thinking about selling abomasnow?
  5. Any Nature, except neutres
  6. Wtb snover/abomasnow xmas, with any Nature, except neutres
  7. Wtb snover/abomasnow xmas, preferably not neutral in nature
  8. Wtb snover/abomasnow xmas, Except neutral natures
  9. when can you trade?when can you trade?
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