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Everything posted by Pryovin

  1. Wts summer event snivy Starting bid 2m Minimum raise 500k Instant buy 10m Auction ends August 27. 10pm CST (auction will take place both in-game and on forum)
  2. I accidentally released my staraptor lvl 90 I Fill up the following information: [u]ID Screenshot: Server:[/u] What do I need to do after my post? You only need to wait, a Staff member will edit your post once the Pokemon is successfully restored, sending you a forum Alert. What if I don't have any screenshot, or if I don't remember any accurate informations about the Pokemon? In this case unfortunately, we can't do anything for you. We need it to be able to find and restore your Pokemon. I accidentally released my Pokemon three months ago, can I get it back? Only recently released Pokemon can be restored. There is a cooldown for them to be restored. You need to request a restore as soon as possible. I released my staraptor on silver server by accident he's lvl 90 and his ID #30143897 Ps: I posted a thread 5 mins ago but forgot to add the server this is a repost please don't consider it as spam it's hard to do a thread on mobile... Thank you for the help.
  3. Why not make us spawn inside instead of spawning all the way back to victory road. What's the trouble?
  4. Is it possible to create the e4 poke center to act like a poke center, losing from the e4 and walking our way back through the victory road is exhausting... In my case it's the sinnoh e4
  5. PLAYER CATEGORY Smartest: Jorogumo/Mamathieu Friendliest: Mamathieu Funniest: Cyber54 Coolest: Cyber54 Comeback Player of the Year: Mamathieu Most Talkative: Cyber54 Most Trustworthy: Mamathieu Most Helpful: Mamathieu Most Missed: Cyber54 Most Influential: Fallen Most Intriguing: Mamathieu Most Experienced Player: Fallen Best/Funniest Username: PregnancyTest/Sirmeowington (it really was funny seeing that name for the first time) Most Professional Guide Maker: SyaoranLi Most Professional Discord Moderator: Fallen STAFF CATEGORY Best Mapper: iriztha Best Artist: Aeolus Best Community Coordinator: Shaui Best Moderator: Shaui Best Trade Moderator: Q8 Best Game Master: Q8 Best Admin: Red/Shaui Best Staff Username: Sirmeowington Most Professional Staff: Sirmeowington Most Dedicated Staff: Sirmeowington Funniest Staff: Fallen and Sirmeowington Friendliest Staff: Q8 and Sirmeowington Most Honorable Former Staff: Rider Most Missed Former Staff: Arnie Really love you guys!
  6. Can this be fixed? Like make the pokemon league count as a pokemon center so it can be used for trading?
  7. What is your Discord tag? [Example @DiscordTag#1234] Medical Diagnostician#6172 How often do you use Discord? Almost everyday if im not too busy with life If you could improve PRO's Discord with one suggestion, what would it be? I wouldnt do any changes currently, because its already as good as it is but since in the near future there will be more members online using discord we would need a new mechanism to attend those users and show an intrest to them, having other discord users as admins to show some support for other discord users. Currently we have about 10k but in about 1 month we could be reaching 15-25k. And we would need to attend all of them and help/give support to them... And to primarily have a channel that says "help" so we can help those in need... And if there is a a problem with servers shutting down you can add a channel that can be posted with: updates/server shutdown/events etc.
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