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Everything posted by Kabarex82

  1. Ends 48h after first bid 200k s.o 50k min bid No insta
  2. Auction ended. The winner is Rarehunt1 with 500k. Im vermi for the trade
  3. 48h auction after first bid No insta 300k s.o 50k min bid
  4. Thats what i believe too. But why is this possible tho? Its a hack or something?
  5. Hello. Im pretty sure its the same one , and yeah i think the trade cancelled too cause i think i sold it for like 150-200. But didnt know that was possible. I hope the modes will fix it i guess.
  6. So i just logged in and i noticed i got 150k less for some reason. And also i have in my pc a pawniard i think i sold like a week ago. Whats happening?
  7. Looking for an impish ha gible with decent ivs. Pm me in game or post a screenshot of the gible here.
  8. Looking for impish h.a gible with decent ivs. Pm me in game or here
  9. Sry i started by accident . Didnt mean to bid
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