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Everything posted by Nixs

  1. Hi hi. Thank you for replying. Ill be sending you some questions first before adding you in.
  2. AMALGAMATION Who Are We? We are a guild that focuses on helping the community of Pokemon Revolution Online. We aim to make a positive impact on the community in the long run. Requirements Have basic knowledge of Pokemon At least have 100hrs of gameplay Beaten Kanto and Johto Have Discord Fill the questions below to apply and post it as your reply. What is your IGN? How many hours do you have in game? What is your discord username and delimiter (eg. Name #2019) We will reply as soon as possible. If we don't reply, dm Ztaziz in discord. He's usually found in pro discord.
  3. Just some questions regarding reports. 1) The recent change on what evidence we can use. What about if there are players who are trolling periodically? Can we still use the evidence gotten over the span of those days/weeks/months even if they're old? - For example, a player keeps asking the same questions, "where is cut" (even though they have it already), over a span of a few hours every day and even weeks or months. 2) About bans. What's the reason behind not showing evidence used against the banned player when appealing? How will a player be able to defend themselves? (as the evidence might be cropped out to suit the accuser's claims) Thank you for your time.
  4. Just happened again with erika boss. Volcarona was suppose to faint when it switches in with less than half health and stealth rocks on the field. But it doesnt, even with 0hp. Then next turn it faints and shows the text "pokemon fainted" when i chose a move, but since my pokemon moved last it couldn't have fainted it with the move. Then it continued whenever i press moves. So far the only thing that could get me out of it was the move knock off
  5. I was battling boss bugsy when this happened. I put stealth rocks first with my my garchomp, rough skin/bold/rocky helmet, then used dragon tail. It went from scyther to volcarona. Then the garchomp faints. I switched to clefable and set up calm mind with softboiled. When the volcarona fainted, it switched to scyther and it turned invisible when the stealth rocks hit it. The youtube link shows the interaction afterwards. This also happened to me before in the battle tower while battling Cynthia
  6. In-Game Name: Nixs Discord Tag: Nixs #9907 Server: Gold How often do you use Discord? Most of the time What is one suggestion you have for PRO Discord? Maybe put an automatic answer, like the bill's book and pillow interaction in discord, on other generic questions like how to do ss anne quest but pms them a link to the forum guide
  7. While I was battling in the battle tower, the weavile that was supposed to have fainted is not in the screen but the last pokemon wasnt coming out. it continued on for about 3 turns when i try to attack the invisible sprite of the fainted weavile with garchomp and to end it with switching to salamence. Once i switch to salamence, the last Pokeball which should symbolize the number of pokemon alive was highlighted. After I tried to attack with my Salamence, the turn ended and the normal text where weavile fainted following to a pokemon switch continued and wailord was sent out but the pokeball for wailord was still highlighted
  8. In-game name: Nixs Server: Gold Need a delevel for my sligoo lvl 100 thank you
  9. Hi hi! Thanks for the compliments XD it may look like it in help chat but in guild chat, we're too comfortable with each other if you dont mind. I've actually have been waiting for you to ask for a guild XD if you still dont mind joining the guild, ill ask one of the officers later to add you when they see you in game and in discord. :)
  10. Hi hiii!! Sorry for the super late reply. Just checking are you still interested in joining?
  11. Hi! Hi! Really sorry for the late reply. Been busy with stuff :P just checking. Are you still interested in joining?
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