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About Aeriales

  • Birthday 06/20/1995

Personal Information

  • Career
    Student in Chemistry
  • Gender
  • IGN
  • Occupation
    Student in Chemistry

Aeriales's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Thx for this good idea^^ Showdown username : Aeriales
  2. What is your Discord tag? Aeriales#2205 How often do you use Discord? Everyday If you could improve PRO's Discord with one suggestion, what would it be? Maybe add channels help for the different servers, if someone on a server needs help for a trade evo or someone to guide him to a certain area for example Thx for this giveaway^^
  3. I'd like to enter this giveaway too^^ I wish you the best for the future ; )
  4. MEMBER CATEGORY Smartest: Shiio Friendliest: Tiarra Funniest: AlphaDChavez Coolest: Tiarra Comeback Player of the Year: Naoo Most Talkative: Varicelle Most Trustworthy: Tiarra Most Helpful: Tiarra Most Missed: Alexisetmimi Most Influential: Prehax Most Intriguing: Zetrayan STAFF CATEGORY Best GM: Neroli Best CC: Shary Best MOD: Letrix Best CS: Naero Best Artist: Ashwestbrook Best Mapper: Tiggus Most Professional Staff: Neroli Most Friendly Staff: Neroli Most Dedicated Staff: Red Most Honorable Former Staff: Thor
  5. Hi, thx for this giveaway^^ My favorite pokemon is Lapras. I want to win because I love receiving gifts :p For christmas, I wish happiness for me and everyone in the world :Angel:
  6. NPC : Aeriales Pokemon : Chandelure Dialogue : Are you gonna swing from the chandelure?
  7. IGN : Aeriales Answer 1 : Mesprit Answer 2 : If you look into Uxie's eyes, you will suffer a loss of knowledge, if you touch Mesprit, your emotions will be drained and if you harm Azelf, you will lose your will Thx a lot for this event^^
  8. Reward from Link : 20k and 5 focus sashes
  9. Re: [FR] ✧・゚〳Ɗisaster〵 ・゚✧⎪∙ Recrutements en cours ∙⎪ <r>I'm in love with the bump of you <E>:Sing:</E></r>
  10. I'm in. Thx a lot for this giveaway^^
  11. Re: [FR] ✧・゚〳Ɗisaster〵 ・゚✧⎪∙ Recrutements en cours ∙⎪ <r>Iiiii'm gonna bump from the chandeluuuure, from the chandeluuUUUuuuure <E>:Sing:</E></r>
  12. Re: [FR] ✧・゚〳Ɗisaster〵 ・゚✧⎪∙ Recrutements en cours ∙⎪ <r>Oh won't you buuuump with me <E>:Sing:</E></r>
  13. I got 2 TM Flamethrower, an eevee and a sableye from 9oomy and gouseru
  14. I have found another one. Noit sure it is useful but anyway https://prntscr.com/g2ozy4 Server : Red IGN: Aeriales
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