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Everything posted by Scorpionsrl

  1. still with error try with lightscreen or gyazo
  2. what?? i can saw normal
  3. error with the image :/
  4. wait what you cannot go with fire pokemons to fight bugsy?
  5. i enter to the bug catching area to check what pokemon have +150ivs but the pc is bugged can they fix this
  6. i know im gonna ask to some friends if want to join
  7. interesting maybe i can join it also does stream proffs can be showed like screenshots OpieOP
  8. Re: Ingame BOSS [updated June 6th 2017] with bosses Move Set <t>misty gastrodon has bubblebeam</t>
  9. 1)name loparceus 2)favourite pokemon gardevoir 3)165x hours on the game 4) i have the discord app 5)if ratting means be good on pvp yes OpieOP 6)i have more than 200h 7) im member of darkhunters sinze 4 days
  10. Re: Ingame BOSS [updated June 6th 2017] with bosses Move Set <r><QUOTE author="LioTrick" post_id="404864" time="1498960148" user_id="681455"><s> </e></QUOTE> hey man, where is Ukulele boss ?? <e> </e></QUOTE> ukulele boss is the boss who gives phione <E>:Cool:</E></r>
  11. Re: Ingame BOSS [updated June 6th 2017] with bosses Move Set <t>steven bisharp knows iron head</t>
  12. Re: Ingame BOSS [updated June 6th 2017] with bosses Move Set <r><QUOTE author="hahahaka" post_id="400806" time="1498101419" user_id="370150"><s> </e></QUOTE> If phione appears, you can go back to pc to get sync and false swipe poke.<br/> It will not gone until you talk to it. <e> </e></QUOTE> i got the phione and its timid nature 02 spatk and the rest good ivs :D</r>
  13. Re: Ingame BOSS [updated June 6th 2017] with bosses Move Set <r><QUOTE author="Pathology" post_id="400435" time="1498033385" user_id="655140"><s> </e></QUOTE> He probably does not use it <br/> I beat this boss with aegislash (first 3 pokes) and seaking (last 3 pokes), you can try this <E>:Grin:</E> <e> </e></QUOTE> because im gonna go with steelix swellow seaking kadabra (syncro in case if phione appears) and breloom false swipe</r>
  14. Re: Ingame BOSS [updated June 6th 2017] with bosses Move Set <t>anyone know if the mega mewtwo X use thunderpunch i want to test something with seaking</t>
  15. gunkshot in petalburg forest
  16. i dont know what happend whit blue and yellow cuz im making speedruns OpieOP
  17. I listen to all kinds of music less reggaeton in total the songs that I listen to are anime video games and heavymetal of anime I listen to all the songs of one piece and bleach of videogames megaman 7 and heavymetal dragonforce and metallica
  18. u need 100 hoenn hours
  19. selled to kalumbum pls close
  20. 900k
  21. happy birthday shane :Smile:
  22. start:700k insta:1m3
  23. hi im trying to buy a s gastly timid nature in 1m2 if you have one please contact me in the server ign: LOParceus
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