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Rookie Trainer

Rookie Trainer (2/12)



  1. Username: Shadow2054 Server: Silver Timezone: GMT +8
  2. -Rayquaza -Sceptile -Cofagrigus
  3. username: shadow2054 server: silver timezone: singapore, gmt +8
  4. perhaps something that shows your pvp ranking once you hit above 50 or 100 rating and tabs to switch between modes to allow easier access to random battles and others.
  5. Username: Shadow2054 Server: Silver Timezone: GMT +8
  6. @Puppyhun contact me in discord at shadow2054#9543 or dm me here on forums to arrange when you can pick up garchomp
  7. sold to puppyhun 2.2m
  8. s.o: 700k insta: 3.5m minimum increase: 100k time limit: ended c.o: sold, 2.2m to puppyhun accepting: CC-380k, nature rr 370k, iv rr- 750k
  9. Event form: Halloween Yamask and Cofagrigus Time Investment: Idk Intrest to join staff: None Graphic:
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