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Everything posted by Allsmell

  1. Medicham 1 sold 1.3m
  2. better than not showing anything imo
  3. nice dnite
  4. Add me on discord Allsmell#8974 or pm me ingame 'allsmell' 'allsmell1' As you didnt specify which arbok, im just going to keep all for sale until after you contact me Shiny Porygon-z added Shiny Slakoth added S Ratticate sold 15k
  5. Hi New I'm Allsmell. Everyone else has more helpful comments but welcome to pro :)
  6. Shuckle 2 sold 300k
  7. o0 this is an intesting interaction :/
  8. scizor 1 sold 800k forretress 1 sold 700k Bisharp 2 sold 300k
  9. Rotom 3 sold 250k
  10. You don't need to merge, Pokémon from the kanto region are locked once you enter jhoto, they will unlock once you get the 8th badge
  11. Volcarona 4 sold 600k Tyranitar 2 sold 1.3m
  12. transfereing money is now easy, make a new account, do up to badge 4 so you can trade, should take less than 4h, put money on new acc, press the swap server button in dashboard, trade money back, money is now on other sever, and you can swap every month, trading pokemon between servers takes more investment, as its 15-20h to do all 4 regions
  13. Tangrowth 1 sold 2.5m
  14. Umbreon sold 1.6m No more 'U'
  15. Fairly sure the account can't be ownerless also, so it must be someone's 1 out of 4. Think if someone is doing boss runs on it for paying rewards to winners and it's a 5th account you're on dodgy ground. If it's not gaining income its probably going to be ignored even if it's ownerless(old player left or w.e).
  16. Azumarill 5 sold 300k
  17. Sounds like you have talons in the bank, Im still struggling to belive this was polled
  18. your reasoning is that the meta isnt clear? Isnt a not clear meta good, if you want clear meta look to the uber tier on showdown, if your not using 6/20 pokes your lossing. then you describe lots of different styles and say that they are strong. Isnt this also good? Shall we use speedboost blazekin again, wasnt that fun....
  19. Can you poll every suggestion please..... these feels like a really pointless poll, and i'm not actually suggesting you poll everything im suggesting you dont poll pointless things Clearly community dissagrees with me from current state of poll, can we get levitate back also please, and revert every single gen 7 change Mabye add some gen 8 moves, blastoise shell smash ect(probably still not viable but others will be) instead of regressing
  20. Empoleon 1 sold 800k Volcarona 7 sold 1.6m
  21. Sure thing, If you have Discord add Allsmell#8974 and message me there for easier trading, If no discord is your play account the same as your forum one? i should be logged on to allsmell ingame for rest of today so you can pm me there also when you log in, my timezone is GMT+0
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