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Everything posted by Allsmell

  1. Released lvl100 gallade when doing a bin spree. Sorry! And thank you in advance Id no: 17102098 Server: gold
  2. Start.@900k, if not started
  3. Does the +100evs on every stat mean 100-252 or is the + signifying 'and also 100evs' ?
  4. Released my lvl 100.alakazam on gold, sorry. Id: 15935651 Gold Thank you very much in Advance.
  5. Does anyone know of anymore moves that lower spatk that are coded? Moves that are coded Moonblast - coded Memento - coded Moves that do lower spatk but I can't find them in-game. Confide Noble roar Venom drench Parting shot Mystical fire Snarl Struggle bug Before anyone directs me to the big list of coded/uncoded. Moonblast is on that list as uncoded, hence would like to know if anyone has any experience of the other moves appearing coded in-game. Cheers in advance.
  6. As an additional 3rd method, use quick claw with a 1/5 chance. I take 2.false swipers and 4 low lvl mons when using quick claw. Also if ur spd is close to the creeps u want to kill. Then you can use stun spore/twave to 1/2 their spd. spd tiers in cc, graveller 80 arbok 110 golbat 155
  7. 1. Age 16+ and above :- Yes 2. Playtime hours at 100 or more :- 185 hours. 3. Able to use Discord , Most Important :- Yes, Allsmell#8974 4. Your previous Guild, why did you leave them (in case you were Kicked, then why?) :- No pre 5. Have you ever been banned in PRO, and why? :- No. 6. Other than having fun playing the game, what are your goals in PRO? :- Currently 20/20 umbreon syncs, then a PvP team and dex 7. How old are you and other than English, what languages do you speak? some spanish 8. Provide a screenshot of your Trainer Card. :-
  8. Can close
  9. S.o. 200k make offers here or on me in-game. Will sell 2400 GMT+0 tomorrow(midnight)
  10. At least easy for me. Ok so 1. Start a battle 2. Apply status condition to opposing poke 3. Before the last line of text is complete ("soso fell asleep") press on items to open item menu. Result: game will freeze consistly, about 20% of time it will unfreeze after 30,, mostly game will hard lock. Notes. If I wait for the text to finish it is always fine. Using a Moto g5 This game is excellent cheers for making
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