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Everything posted by Allsmell

  1. Buy pawniard 200k
  2. Togekiss 1 sold 4m Quagsire 3 sold 150k Crawdaunt sold 110k
  3. Start
  4. Blastoise 1 sold 1.2m Conkeldurr sold 120k
  5. start aero 300k start jolly staravia 150k
  6. Added Hween ttar, ponyta, rapidash Shiny arbok, tentacool Clone bulba, squirtle
  7. magnezone sold 550k tyranitar sold 300k bisharp sold 95k
  8. Nice shop, wish u well selling
  9. Dragonite 1 + Garchomp 1 sold 1.15m
  10. 13 Pokémon Added to shop, Alakazam Blastoise Charizard Escavalier Gastrodon Parasect Pelipper Skarmory Snorlax 2x Tangrowth Togekiss 2x Missing letters Z Attachments also cleaned up
  11. 300th post waaaahhhhh Howie helping bump those numbers Venusaur 3 sold 550k Venusaur sold 2m
  12. Gonna piggy back on this, also wish to send some stuff from silver--->gold (Allsmell#8974) OP if someone has already contacted you can you put me in touch with them. Ty Also free bump :)
  13. In attachments is every single repel in-game atm. Command is "^repel" (remove "") to the reborn bot on discord
  14. Kingdra 1 sold 350k
  15. Think you need to reread rules. Blaziken isn't banned
  16. +1 Also this is a thing that will happen. Just not from any accounts owned by people on the council(tell your mate)(probably not police able). Despite this still a good idea.
  17. Buy alakazam, Buy azu if u still have it
  18. Snorlax 3 sold 225k, will update main shop later
  19. Life Orb is worth 0 as it's not a item I've written I'm willing to accept in my auction rules, Auction isn't started, please think clearly about if you wish to start an auction or not before posting. Gl friend
  20. This is a problem to do with how the forum holds/loads memory. The only workaround I've found is download Firefox and use that browser (it will load slower, but show all). Gl
  21. What happens to Pokémon ID numbers when you swap server? is it possible to have two Pokémon with the same ID number in one sever? or are they given new IDs
  22. There are 9 pokeballs total(not including the free poke). Suggest you look at the guide part of forum
  23. Potentially has PvE problems, guess if you confined it to only being able to change in a PC most of those would go away. Would also make the various tutors pointless. Mabye if you had to pay 20k(or X amount a time) it could work. Probably a pain in the ass to code though.
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