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Everything posted by Mayelesa

  1. Sometimes it can be need wait for 1-2 hours, but make other account can be better, use same with gmail (per email can create 2 account)
  2. That's why have fan and anti-fan in the real worlds. People love somethings, so they will see others is worst :Angry:
  3. Trainer Valley go by train in Safforn city (120 kanto pokes and 38 evolved pokes, beat Red in Mt.silver) Please check out all requirement...
  4. Re: ♥ Mayelesa Day Care ♥ Pokemon Kanto and Johto now <r><QUOTE author="Shadow518"><s> </e></QUOTE> PM me in discord of daycare. Thanks</r>
  5. And what use for in MMO? Maybe can use idea for quest or something... Otherwise it is useless in my opinion...
  6. Re: ♥ Mayelesa Day Care ♥ Pokemon Kanto and Johto now <r><QUOTE author="Lilmsjester"><s> </e></QUOTE> Nidoqueen 82-95 (as 50% increase) = 66k<br/> Honchkrow 83-95 (as 25% increase) = 51.25k<br/> Ninetails 82-95 (as 25% increase) = 55k<br/> Venusaur 77-90 (as 50% increase) = 58.5k<br/> Total = 230.75k</r>
  7. Synchro works. It is just luck. And btw do a statistic study on a base of 10 tries is pointless ad meaningless. To use synchro you need to have the synchro Pokémon Alice in the first spot in your team. Same as riccatt said. Additionally, your sample size of quantitative research is not enough. Even the simple case (random sample method) or in pilot test, you will need at least 50 sample for testing. And make sure try to test on at least 3 account for each test (50x3), after you can report the result. In short, your test not have reality and validity, fail!
  8. Re: ♥ Mayelesa Day Care ♥ Pokemon Kanto and Johto now <r><QUOTE author="jackie"><s> </e></QUOTE> Your cost for lv up pokemon from lv10 to 20 is 10k <E>:Grin:</E> . When you online?</r>
  9. Re: ♥ Mayelesa Day Care ♥ Pokemon Kanto and Johto now <r><QUOTE author="BojacK"><s> </e></QUOTE> Your cost is 50k for 252atk and 252 spd. When you online?</r>
  10. Re: ♥ Mayelesa Day Care ♥ Pokemon Kanto and Johto now <r><QUOTE author="xNito"><s> </e></QUOTE> Our discord: <URL url="https://discord.gg/0sJr6w3WAYtmE5Vz">https://discord.gg/0sJr6w3WAYtmE5Vz</URL></r>
  11. Re: ♥ Mayelesa Day Care ♥ Pokemon Kanto and Johto now <r><QUOTE author="MayElesa"><s> </e></QUOTE> Your cost will be 28k per pokemon. Total 56k for level 97 to 100 <E>:Grin:</E><e> </e></QUOTE> Sorry your cost is 24k btw <E>:Cry:</E> my bad</r>
  12. Re: ♥ Mayelesa Day Care ♥ Pokemon Kanto and Johto now <r><QUOTE author="xNito"><s> </e></QUOTE> Your cost will be 28k per pokemon. Total 56k for level 97 to 100 <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  13. No, pokemon egg will never exist in game thats not true, just look at this: as Arnie said "we will have ways to obtain the baby pokemon, and we do have coded pokemon eggs, we will however just not have the process to create any pokemon on a whim. basically duplicating a pokemon (if like me you use a ditto), you will even be able to get the Egg moves taught to any pokemon. we will not incorporate a system where you can get rare/valuable pokemon for free. it will never happen. If you feel strongly enough against that then you (like others have mentioned) can find another game to play because you wont be truly happy here. Have a nice day :)" just google for "breeding Pokemon Revolution Online" and you will find the forum post .. I am new so im not allowed to put links :( I know its like half a year ago he posted that but I guess they will implement it in some way :) Did you really understand what the point is? He tried to get egg from ditto or something duplicate as it. And my point is No. Breeding will not allow in PRO https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=1452 no negotiation. Egg can be as reward from boss or something but will never using as dulpplication. You should read the whole point of above discussion and the content before trying to saying. Thanks and I am very happy to game, so don't worry about me :Smile:
  14. Re: ♥ Mayelesa Day Care ♥ Pokemon Kanto and Johto now <r><QUOTE author="IlbusterFxll"><s> </e></QUOTE> Hi PM me or using discord, it will be better for me to have conservation then in forum <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  15. Re: ♥ Mayelesa Day Care ♥ Pokemon Kanto and Johto now <r><QUOTE author="Lustboy"><s> </e></QUOTE> Hi your cost will be 53k for 252spdef and 252hp. When you online?</r>
  16. Re: ♥ Mayelesa Day Care ♥ Pokemon Kanto and Johto now <r><QUOTE author="EncoreTime"><s> </e></QUOTE> Hi ^^ your cost will be 5k (as 25% of evoled) from lv56 to 60. When do you online?<e> </e></QUOTE> only 5k? what about 56 -> 90?<e> </e></QUOTE> It will 98.75k cost (25% incease of evo)</r>
  17. Re: ♥ Mayelesa Day Care ♥ Pokemon Kanto and Johto now <r><QUOTE author="Qritique"><s> </e></QUOTE> No, if you ask only for ev train. It will only paid for ev train only <E>:Grin:</E> No extra charged</r>
  18. Re: ♥ Mayelesa Day Care ♥ Pokemon Kanto and Johto now <r><QUOTE author="Qritique"><s> </e></QUOTE> Hi often done within 1-2 days depend on the server status <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  19. Re: ♥ Mayelesa Day Care ♥ Pokemon Kanto and Johto now <r><QUOTE author="EncoreTime"><s> </e></QUOTE> Hi ^^ your cost will be 5k (as 25% of evoled) from lv56 to 60. When do you online?</r>
  20. Hi ^^ welcome to PRO
  21. Re: ♥ Mayelesa Day Care ♥ Pokemon Kanto and Johto now <r>^^ Welcome <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  22. Some times when the game crashes, you might lose your a bit of your progress. Keep in mind that game is in BETA and crashes can happen any time. You will not be given anything you lost in a rollback as it's responsbility. Please take the time to read the following thread https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=88&t=7881#p48834 We so sorry for your case, however, it will not have any action go further for your case :Ambivalent: So sorry...
  23. You can look at here for more detail https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=119&t=17503
  24. Yes TM shadow ball have in game, you can get from celedon daily task or get free from hall building (need be kanto and johto champion) :Grin:
  25. This pretty much explains all why a new server wont be added in a short while after the last one just was released. You say yourself you play the game now and maybe now in a few months, and thats exactly the reason. A lot of streamers recently showed the game and while it gives a massive hype in the short run, those fanboys wont stay around for long. So while it might solve the problem now, maybe there will a great loss in the numbers of players in a few months and the results would be small groups of the playerbase distributed over different servers that arent fully populated. That argumentation isnt really well thought through and only sees what is now and not what might be in the future. - Sesshomaru ----------------------------------------------- Tons of this suggestion.... it's obvious that would be nice to allow all people to play, but this game survives with donations and, if you check the forum, the staff already said lots of time in the last few days that, in the short time, due to lack of funding, they will not be able to add any new server. This is not a big company, but just a bunch of friends building this from nothing. We just need to wait. And just a consideration from me: asking to implement new servers is not a suggesion; there are everyday more players and the staff will try to fill them in the game. You joined on March 17th: I am here from when there were only 400 spots in just one server; this is just to show you that time will carry more spots. We just need to be patients. - Riccat ---------------------------------------------------- Opening a new server is far more complicated a decision than the ability/resources to do it. Creating a new server will inevitably effect the games community and cause more splits amongst the playerbase, and with the introduction of the blue server so recently and it still not having a proper PVP scene you may risk splitting the community even more and causing two servers to have mediocre end game scenes for a very long time. If that happens we will be in a situation where Red is the only server that's had time to establish a community, which means new players all want to go on red. That leaves these two new servers under utilised and defeats the point of having them. The Devs know when to add new servers, it's based on community just as much as resources. - Reth ----------------------------------------------- I'll explain clearly my POV, this games is totally free, even the donation system is not a "pay to play" is a "pay to improve". due some legal stuff they can't earn 99% of the money and the server must go on with donations. The main thing that the staff and Shane himself need to understand now as far as i can tell, is how many of these newbies will become active players, because if they rent another server/make these bigger and people leave the game we could say bye to pro. another point is staff, they need bigger staff to manage bigger/more servers. that's all, easy i think - Nostazz ------------------------------------------ Our 2 current Game servers run on 8 core Xeons, with 32GB RAM, and 2x512GB SSDs in RAID. These cost ALOT to rent. We had barely enough to buy hardware DDoS protection last month as well as pay for our 3+ servers (2 game servers + webserver). Bear in mind we aren't a company, we are just a few people making a game we like. 7 months ago we had 400 capacity, now we have 3600 capacity across 2 servers. That shows you how quickly we have grown. Yes, the queues aren't ideal, but it's better than not being able to connect at all. Image - Arnie ------------------------------------------ it's being worked on, but for now stability is priority - my point P/s: you read all points?
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