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  1. NAME CHANGE Username: Silentz7 New Username: Mamusven Server to charge the money from: Silver SERVER TRANSFER Username: Silentz7 (hopefully Mamusven soon) Server to charge the money from: Silver Main Server to transfer: Gold
  2. Sup Fallen, Gimme. Dunno if the above post was an offer or not so... 1.1M
  3. Sup, registering for the summer tournament. Trainer card: Imgur album link: Imgur album Time Zone: GMT-5
  4. Player name: Silentz7 Showdown name: Silentz7 Server: Silver Rank on ladder: 5
  5. You can buy coins and sell the stuff for pokedollars. Being able to buy pokedollars for infinite amounts for real money would destroy the server's economy and cause massive inflation. Pokecoins work because it's just the same ingame money being traded around, but if you give the players a way to buy infinite pokedollars the prices of everything would go up in ridiculous fashion. Sounds like a harmless idea at first but i don't think it's viable =/. That said, we do need more ways to earn pokedollars ingame.
  6. Thread. Pm me here or ingame if you have one. Thanks!
  7. They are not HP fire or ice. SOLD Pretty good, Rip HP. Don't let your opponent know i have 01 def! Offer here or ingame to Silentz7. Thanks!
  8. EDIT: Offer was 1M. Fazzoletto leading with 1.1m
  9. Canceled.
  10. Feel free to offer here or ingame. Only Coin capsules or money. No trades. IGN: Silentz7 Level 100: (Only Selling Rotom-Wash for a really good offer) Awesome Unleveled Pokemon:
  11. Player name: Silentz7 Showdown name: Silentz7 Server: Silver Rank on ladder: 16
  12. SOLD.
  13. #1 #2 #3 #4 IGN: Silentz7 Feel free to PM me if you're interested in any, or offer here. Thanks.
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