Hello everyone,
i'm used to farm a lot on PRO, more than 5k hours in 2 years, not bad... What's bad is that now every repel trick means to farm firstly an abra with teleport (i know taunt/shadow tag,.. but still boring), then pay the repels, which isn't low cost as every one knows. So now for a gible ha, you have to get your abra/natu lvl 25, your black medaillon, repels, balls, 15k to visit the moon with elgyem, and pray the lord to get the poke t8. Knowing that all you ll have isn't sellable, and a "good" one will be sold for 200k, cc price is now 400k, I don't have any tentation to go farm it, I'll just buy it one day... Nobody will keep farming with repel tricks. I spend something like 2m a week on repels, I'll probably saave money thanks to this modif', but this can lead to many leaves...
happy to play PRO, plz don't change it now
pura vida