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  1. Gable, my but still hurts when u dragon rage my wonder guard and had rough skin to break me testing focus sash shedinja false swiper as I was hunting bunnelby(has take down). Til this day, I don't know what it did when I blacked out and gable took my money(around 300k) >.<. Pls don't hurt me mommy gable :"(.
  2. We'll I hoped u enjoyed your time on pro, wish u best of luck on life :3
  3. 600k
  4. I'll start
  5. Anyway I can get my money's back ;-; , I likes my repel money XD
  6. 1. Shedinja with wonder guard still affected by dragon rage (not immune). 2. Reviving a shedinja will not bring it back to life and will use up item. I was hunting bunnelby when I encountered a Gible in wayward cave, having focus sash on my shedinja as an item I was testing if rough skin would proc it. But to my surprise dragon rage procced it while leaving a message saying shedinja was unaffected. Surprise and disbelief, I thought that there was no way it could do that. So I decided to false swipe the Gible to see if it had ha. It didn't have ha and it dragon rage again killing shedinja. So I brought out my only other pokemon, a level 20 natu that could survive 2 hits. I decided to throw a poke all to test if I could catch it, it failed and I took one hit. So I figured minus well revive my shedinja with revive since it should work. Unfortunately the revive was used failing to revive shedinja, and my natu took one more hit and blacked out, losing me 200-300k. I'm pretty sure this is a bug, and the reason why I brought shedinja was to be immune to bunnelby take down suicide.
  7. I would like to buy calm cofagrigus for 250 k
  8. I would like to buy nidoran with 31 spd for 75k
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