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About Dexy

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Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Oh no, so how can I get the shoal shell again or the shell bell? No player willing to sell shell bell because we can get only 1 afaik
  2. Hello, I just recently returned to this game. Im trying to do the shell bell item quest following this guide - https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/118167-how-to-get-the-shell-bell/ I just collected the shoal salt but the Shoal Shell (High Tide) seems missing or doesn't spawn for me on all spot. I talked to the npc and he said I still don't have enough item. I can't remember if I already collected the shoal shell previously.
  3. I see. It works now. Thank you guys
  4. I showed him my Alakazam with 359 speed and some other poke with 300+ speed . still doesn't work for me
  5. I tried to do the Mega Stone quest for Alakazam which require to show 31 speed iv poke, i showed like 3 different poke with 31 speed but it still wont let me What I'm doing wrong?
  6. Ended
  7. 1. Age : 20+ 2. Playtime hours : 891hr 3. Able to use Discord , Most Important : Ryeverse#9485 4. Your previous Guild, why did you leave them (in case you were Kicked, then why?) : All my previous guild is in Silver Server, idk how but atm Im in Gold Server 5. Other than having fun playing the game, what are your goals in PRO? : I just recently checking this game again and looking for stuff to kill time like hunting pve pvp and so on. Any tips/guide would be greatly appreciated.
  8. As long as the rewards is reasonable for us to do bosses, I think its fine.
  9. Hello, I would like to apply ~ Why do you want to join Eternity? I used to be in BlaZe guild back in 2015 but been away for college so I've been inactive for 3 years. I lost contact with my guildmates and don't know whether they are still playing. So many things have changed since and I don't know where to refer to. So I was thinking to join a guild ~ I didn't finish all region yet but just recently finished Hoenn and started Sinnoh. Real name / ingame name: Rye / Dexy How old are you? I'm currently 22. Ur country/ which language(s) do you speak? Singapore but currently in Malaysia. I can speak English quite a bit. Discord name+tag / how often u r online there? desu_p #9485 What is your goal on pro/are you interested in pvp/already pvping? Finishing all available quest, hunting / Interested but I'm not good with the meta. So I just battle when I have to. Screenshot of your trainercard
  10. Hi, its been awhile ~~ Miss you guys
  11. Re: ♦ Inferno BlaZe ♦ We Are One! <r>Hello ,, sorry I've been away for awhile before. Study time <E>:confused:</E></r>
  12. Its been awhile. Goodluck everyone :Crazy:
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