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Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Yo, I got 3 during event and only need one. Can you remove em plz
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  2. Halloween Costumes: Saiyan Bidoof, Saiyan God Bibarel and Metal Concert Wobb Times: like half an hour, with photoshop
  3. @Papoo wins with 40 mil. 8 Hour Auction Auction started 11:26PM Auction finish 7:26AM Papoo win last bid before it ended at 7:07AM
  4. If no one bids in the next two hours Papoo takes it
  5. 2 hours left, I'm heading to bed. Whoever posts last bid in next two hours gets the gible. Any posts after 2 hours from now will not count.
  6. It would be iv reroll. but your bid of 25 mil is still valid
  7. New offer by Papoo, 25mil and one reroll @Pity @Papoo
  8. 7 hours 45 mins left. First bid - 20 mil by Pity 5 mil raise minimum INSTA: 50 mil Accept CC and Reroll 380k Each.
  9. Selling this little girl before I leave the game so I can set my guild up for life. Offer here or ingame 8 hour auction. Opening bid 20mil 5 mil raise minimum INSTA: 50 mil Accept CC and Reroll 380k Each.
  10. Legendkanra


  11. Legendkanra


    Looking forward to meeting the new members!
  12. Bump for T-mod
  13. A T-mod should be able to check for me. Just need to wait, cheers anyway
  14. Hey there, I'm doing a lvl up service for a player and we added each other as friends but then the server crashed and i lost his friend info. All I remember was his name had Prince in it. Should be my last trade today he gave me larvesta and 25k. Can y'all help me find out his name please?
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