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About Leyend

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Leyend's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Player name: Leyend Server: Silver Timezone: GMT+5 Rank on ladder: 3th November
  2. friend can join pro to pay him the 5m
  3. Player: Leyend Server : Silver Timezone: GMT +5 Rank on ladder 9
  4. Leyend Silver 4 Gmt +5
  5. Username: Leyend Server: Silver Country/Timezone: Perú /gmt-5
  6. Hello, I have problems to change the server because I lend pokemon for lend and my friend is not online, I am going to send a friend with the money to pick up the pokemon. person who is going to pick up is Galindo
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