Smartest: Nero
Friendliest: Muzita
Funniest: Nero
Coolest: Muzita
Comeback Player of the Year: Nornornor444
Most Talkative: Muzita
Most Trustworthy: Muzita
Most Helpful: Muzita
Most Missed: Muzita
Most Influential: Muzita
Most Intriguing: Muzita
Most Experienced Player: Nero
Best/Funniest Username: Matherfather13
Most Professional Guide Maker: Waleed1301
Most Professional Discord Moderator: Waleed1301
Best Mapper: Tempa
Best Artist: YuiFelwood
Best Content Scripter: MagicGuard
Best Community Coordinator: Shinohara
Best Moderator: Qeight
Best Trade Moderator: Tigerous
Best Tester: Gouda
Best Game Master: Logan
Best Admin: Eaty
Best Staff Username: Caged
Most Professional Staff: Eaty
Most Dedicated Staff: Eaty
Funniest Staff: Chariot
Friendliest Staff: Aspheric
Most Honorable Former Staff: Fluffes
Most Missed Former Staff: Armin