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About Kuroshiba

  • Birthday 10/24/2002

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  1. Eevee Vulpix Ralts (Every evolution form)
  2. Farewell Strat, Good luck with with your goal! Looking foward to see you in the future!
  3. Farewell Mate I'm sure you will be back whenever the time has come. Until then, Good Luck
  4. Oh, my bad... Thanks for your time
  5. As you can see from the file i provided, The pictures - i was tuning with my setting (GUI scale) and when its suppose to be night time but after i finish tuning, the screen show day time even tho on screen top-right show its night time plus there is a night time/moon icon show. Ps: im using this on phone (android), havent try it on pc so dont know if this bug is on the pc or not. (will update ya if its a yes for pc too) Im pretty sure this is a bug. Yes, it is a small bug but a bug is still a bug nonetheless.
  6. - Boss requirements (playtime, not having one poke in your team, ...): I can agree on playtime, I strongly dislike the "not have one poke in your team". On The Bright Side (For balancing if you guy do change like what I suggested), you may add requirements like lvl100 Pikachu (Boss: Jessie/James) - Difficulty (would you mind getting tougher, more challenging bosses but for the same rewards?): No. After the last change happened last month, with bosses now with good natures and max evs, they are strong enough. And let's not forget that in pro rng is not really perfect, so they are always burning, paralizing, poisoning you. Not counting their moves never missing, and they perma-crits. They are so good enough that I even want some nerf on certain bosses~ - Cooldown (would you mind getting 4-5 days cooldowns, but with a lowered amount of rewards?): No, but I rather make certain bosses low cooldowns and certain bosses more cooldowns to make the game worth grinding I also suggest to guaranteed $$ on all bosses but the amount you guy can tune it to make it balance. Like maybe easy bosses every reward guaranteed 30k-10k and little hard to hardest/complicated bosses every reward guaranteed 90k-40k (a lot of bosses are hard so there is that~)
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