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Everything posted by Fatmanclt

  1. Same :(( I'm just asking some hope :(
  2. Hi all, During this month i think lot of people farmed during lot of time without found one xmas... And now the event is almost finished and some will never have their xmas... Personally I farmed more than 70h and caught more than 400 swablu without found 1 swablu xmas....... :( So please as its Christmas, can u up the spawn of swablu for one or two day ? To give all less fortunate a chance to finally capture it ? :((((( And to give some hope to the unlucky on this festive time? :((( :Heart: Btw this will not destabilize the market because very few swablu have been found, I saw only 3 or 4 swablu xmas in trade int the month , u can't hope find this beauty below 10 m.... Merry Christmas :Angel:
  3. yes u can
  4. Re: selling shiny epic adamant mamoswine <r>Too bad u forget to learn Ice shard <E>:confused:</E> <E>:confused:</E> <E>:confused:</E></r>
  5. random battle as in with showdown? that's a bit difficult to code for a game like pro No sory I meant friendly batlle
  6. An other thing that would stop the botter will be to add a Trade house, with the possibility to inspect the trade of all the players.
  7. For the moment I think we need more staff member who can ban botter. Actually only 3 staff members can ban a botter, so one for each server. Its not enough in my opinion. I know there are new staff member who are in formation, and we really need u ! A botter can't be ban if we report him even with the best video and prove, the only way to ban a botter is that one of the three Gm come online and see with his eyes the botter botting. Ima its not a good system. As Staff members said, they have a life irl with job and family, so a Gm can't be online all the time. So if someone bot only the during night for exemple, he will never got banned, even with reports. Its a problem. In a perfect life, we need staff members who can ban botter and be online ingame 24H/24. For the moment botter can be ban only 1-3h/24 or less depending the activity of the gm. If we have 5 gm per serv with 2h of activity per day in game it would be very nice with 12h per days to ban botter. On the other hand, I don't understand why u delete the anti bot Room. Now only a Gm can sent u in this room, so its manually. Why ? It was a good idea. I'm not an expert in coding but I think its possible to make something that a bot can't solve in this room. This room is the best idea for fight botte, she need to be update and need to be automatic! In the current system Bot aren't worried, so it is not surprising to see so much botter, the message of the cheater that has been delete explains the situation well. The Botter are free and we need change.
  8. Having a guy in our community being well known for botting , not respecting pvp clauses , and being fishy for other thing aswell and keep being unbanned definitly help us too. I hope u don't talk about me
  9. 4m for swablu :thanks:
  10. According to your standards, it's because I'm botting, lulz. I just said that it's not 'cause he moved one tile in diagonal that he was botting. You could see anyone moving like that and for much more than a single tile U should read correclty my comment before talking, I said : "diagonal + same movement + no reply to pm" I don't said " omg he do diagonal move" 1+1+1 =3 so 3 prove that they were botting not only one. Anyway I will stop to reply to kid a wast my time and u make me hungry.
  11. Yeah and ban your friend btw. Just think and talk after thanks.
  12. They got BANNED !!! Who have true ? Me, they was botting, stop talking for nothing.
  13. When I change map, I often see people moving like that accross the whole map, they ain't bots it's just a graphic bug due to lags, it happens Diagonal move + same move at the same moment+ no reply to pm. They got banned for botting ! why u continu to try to defend them ? omg
  14. the video doesn't really say anything about the two people, they happen to move the same pattern, that's all. If anything, that Rhisan guy on the left side of the video would be more suspicious, because I can't imagine people spam w and s in a rate like that for a long period of time. If that guys been hunting like that for hours, he's a bot, because to move like that you would actually have to spam w and s very quickly for a very long time. When I hunt, I just find a piece of grass so I can go all the way to left and all the way to right to minimize the amount of key spamming, instead of moving in the same two-three cells back and forth(it's really hard and tired to do that). U forgot the diagonal move move mate! And the probability that they do the same move in the same moment is very low. Btw they have been ban by kagawa :)
  15. Sincerely Kagaka thanks u very much for your job! I really appreciate your activity and your help! But I'm must do ask why report video isn't enough to ban a botter ? When u see my video here : U can't says that the 2 player wasn't botting. Its obvious. As u can read here : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This. I don't even bother reporting them anymore because I consider it useless. Seeing botters, then screenshoting/filming and reporting them and then being told the staff has to see for themselves is demotivating - We had a case on Yellow where someone literally was at the same spot for days, several people saw him and judged him a bot. We reported him and I even went to Red to ask for staff once, because Yellow hadn't been visited by any for days. I was told they'd send someone, which didn't happen. He kept playing and when we confronted him about it he told us he'd been checked and deemed a legit player, which only makes this even sadder. Now I do understand that they are currently understaffed but this is even more of a reason to work with the playerbase - answering reports with what is basically a punch in the face or not at all will at some point lead to many people not reporting anyone. Its very demotivate for player, and for u have to work more for ban a botter. I think a good video with evidence prove should be enough for ban a user. U can't be online all the time kagawa.... Hope one day a video will be enough to ban user.....Its better for u and for us ! And if u need to be online to ban, just take 5 minute per day watch the event area like route 115 or flake wood. Thanks for your work
  16. They just have to look this video ( 2m20 ) : And ban the users. But they don't. Why ? I don't know.
  17. sory but its not true. sory but its not true. yoo don't you think the staff is already planning something about this :Ambivalent: of course i understand how you feel but just let everything will fall into place and everything will be good The thing that demotivate me its that even if I record and have prove they are botting, staff will not ban them. They need to log in and see them botting.... And they are only 3 who can do this. I don't understand why they don't ban with my video report. Its so obvious .
  18. sory but its not true.
  19. Man I'm totally agree with u ... Im so demotivate... But something that demotivate more is that when I report a botter and show this to the GM : They don't even ban them, and its so obvious that they are botting..... :Frown: :n:
  20. I don't remember ever see u in blue serv or in the trade chat, funny
  21. why u didn't just give up the battle to avoid 45min ? Or pm him to wait that the poke will wake up ?
  22. I like your bid :y:
  23. Hi, I understand that u want new update but we have to wait my friend. U want new poke but all the poke of gen 6 aren't in the game, lot of move aren't code, same for ability. Tbh I hope this game will continu to growing, but that will take time. Try to enjoy Pro with what we have in the game for the moment :y:
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