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Everything posted by Fatmanclt

  1. Re: Compund Eyes + Covet. <r><QUOTE author="kamilos"><s> </e></QUOTE> Hi, composed eyes doesn't work here. <br/> U just need to hope <E>:y:</E></r>
  2. Fake bid. U just linked in trade channel with this message : "insta 900k - or 500k and one ms "
  3. Hi :) I just posted my first video on my channel, I pvp with my shiny team (expect one poke) on the Blue server, I pvp with my second account : fatman2 Hope u will enjoy this, don't hesite to give me some advices for the video or my team. And if u have cool music to advise me for pvp battle it will be cool too! More video in coming with great gameplay :) I will post the future link on this topic! My first video :
  4. Beautiful Gyara :)
  5. they still will be, u get given coins to spend on what u want. Those prizes are set to increase and prices will change too. I don't understand. If you make it so everyone can buy top 25 ranked season rewards it's no longer special. Someone will grind the points and then buy the old achievement rewards that a lot of people worked hard for and then it will become nothing special. You should just leave the old one in history and make a new set. I spoke with a player a few days ago and he thought the ladder was gonna reset in a few days and did literally everything to get top 25 before season quit. Playing all night and got nervous. And now you can buy all that effort with coins over time? What's next? Buying service to Change OT on your bought pokemon to your own? I don't approve at all. Agree. The others items are nice and its a great idea but i don't support the fact that we can buy the clothes from the previously pvp season.
  6. Nice :)
  7. How much have u seen shiny Draco in one year ? 1-2 ? If a new one is find, certainly a cheater will buy this shiny, and will be ban himself in the futur. So like a said, rare shiny disappear with the cheater. If staff put a shiny draco on the trade, he cheaters will certainly hesitate before bid, Because It's the staff Who sell.
  8. yeah agree, what i mean when i said "redistribution" its to have the possibility to buy whit legit money.
  9. What happened when a cheater who have win lot of money with bot and buy lot of rare shiny are banned ? When he is banned, the rare shinys (like draco on Blue Server) disappear with him. It would be nice to redistribute these rare pokemon on the market. Cheater destroys our economy and moreover when they are banned, they destroy our rare pokemon, it is a double sentance for us.
  10. Re: I have a great suggestion (i think) <t>Good idea</t>
  11. Go catch a hippodown impish with good ivs. Essentiel move : earthquake / Slack off. With this poke in your team, sand team can't do anithing.
  12. Nop :thanks: Imo 1 weak is ok and could be 2 weaks beacause its very boring to rebatlle each week so i don't imagine batlling all the NPC all the days.
  13. When u hit a milotic who is sleeping with dynamic punch, normaly Milotic is confuse, but when mitotic use sleep talk he can use hit without being confuse ( no message appears ), its just when the mitotic use 2 turn sleep talk and woke up that the confuse (and the message) appear.
  14. :(
  15. And most of the time when u hunt a poke its not for sell it after u find it : OT exemple: its more easy to grind money and buy a shiny karp that hunt for 40h for having your karp with your Ot.
  16. Being able to hunt/ shiny hunt specific Pokemon without encountering other Pokemon at the same time would quickly have a massive impact on the PRO economy. Rare Pokemon would become more common because of it and rare shinies would become almost worthless. The original games are mostly singleplayer (Apart from online battling) so being able to hunt rare shinies has no impact on how the games work however, because PRO is an MMO, things like shinies should be kept at a fixed rate and nothing should be able to modify that. Well but the shiny hunting is impossible in this game for the moment, or extremely limited. And if the item is very difficult to get, there will be no problem with the economy.
  17. Hi, as u know shiny hunting is one of the main part in pokemon ( not for all but anyway) I made this topic for sugesting some tools who could help all of the shiny hunter inPro. As u know In the real game u have lot of things who can help u to hunt the pokemon who want. But in Pro this part is very limited, the only thing who work is the Reppel Method but can't be used because u need to spend lot money juste for used repel. (And the mecanic is not apropried ). What I try to explain here its simple, when u want to hunt a pokemon in Pro u need to find a nice area where only cool pokemon can spawn (for exemple: Sootopolis city for hunt the karp ). But the wrong part in Pro is there is not lot of area where u can hunt beacause most are infested of ratata,zubat .. And u can't used the reppel method for controll the spawn of ratata in one area for exemple (perhaps u can for 1 hours, but say goodbye to all your money if u want to hunt for 20-30h). And Who want find a shiny ratata after spend 30h to farm ? Its very game breaking. So my suggestion, what do u think about adding a item like a repellent who can stop the spawn of one pokemon species ( exemple : stop the spawn of ratata and ratatac in one area selected until the appearance of the next shiny. ) There could be one repellent for each very commun pokemon species ( like one repellent ratata/ratatac , one repellent for zubat/gobalt , ... And it could be a very hard item to get (like boss reward, dex quest , 1000h played ?) I hope u understand what I mean, and I will be happy to get some feedback of the idea.
  18. :thanks:
  19. Hi, I want to buy koffing shiny with a good nature plz and decent ivs. I can trade this if u want : https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2016/31/1470133918-tenta.png + add money Or simply pay with money. :thanks:
  20. Re: Very Nice Ferrothorm b.o 500k <r><URL url="https://www.noelshack.com/2016-31-1470092225-capture-d-ecran-2016-08-02-a-00-55-55.png"><LINK_TEXT text="https://www.noelshack.com/2016-31-147009 ... -55-55.png">https://www.noelshack.com/2016-31-1470092225-capture-d-ecran-2016-08-02-a-00-55-55.png</LINK_TEXT></URL><br/> <br/> sold for 650k <br/> ty</r>
  21. Re: Very Nice Ferrothorm b.o 400k <r><URL url="https://www.noelshack.com/2016-31-1470091158-bo5.png">https://www.noelshack.com/2016-31-1470091158-bo5.png</URL><br/> b.o 500k - Fagiolino</r>
  22. Re: Very Nice Ferrothorm <r><URL url="https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2016/31/1470089473-bo4.png"><LINK_TEXT text="https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/201 ... 73-bo4.png">https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2016/31/1470089473-bo4.png</LINK_TEXT></URL><br/> b.o 400k - Hakunon</r>
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