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Martinnn's Achievements



  1. eevee 4 180k
  2. eevee 4 - 160k
  3. i was forced to leave a nice comment they also hold my family hostage and side with isis pls join and save me
  4. 900k or offer
  5. Hello, do you still sell that houndour? If so what hp is that?
  6. IGN:MartiNNN
  7. wtb jolly unburden hawlucha trained and asap pls
  8. I recently played new quest to catch some legendaries and i entered route 118 destroyed without any poke with surf or surf mount so i couldnt go forward trought water and i couldnt go back to town. I was lucky that i had Escape rope but some people might be in same situation and they just might get stuck. Sorry if i tagged this post incorrectly
  9. IG name:MartiNNN Discord:gghghg#8027
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