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About Thuc97

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  1. can end and close
  2. I'm waiting for meotam because he's not online yet
  3. but if meotam is not online today, i will sell it to you
  4. Sry Auction is over
  5. Auction is over, waiting for meotam to trade
  6. meotam auction 1m6
  7. Start bid: 1m4 Min raise bid: 50k Insta: 3m Time:12h After first bid. Accepted: Coin Capsule 360k
  8. i need to buy a marowak alola rock head dominant atk and hp with iv over 25
  9. Volcarona 300k
  10. 150k staraptor shiny
  11. Staraptor shiny how much
  12. Can that shiny machamp drop the price bro?
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