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Everything posted by Trailblazer

  1. It says that the event is divided into 3 splits and winner of each round can win an event poke. Does it mean that reward for 1st split wins tepig - 2nd split winner gets snivy - 3rd split winner gets gible **or** the winner of each split can choose what they want?
  2. Start
  3. 1.2m for alolan muk
  4. I feel the season should end at as usual time.
  5. I hope I am understanding the timer correctly : You get 5 mins to use however you want and then after these 5 mins are over, after using them in various turns during the battle. Now, the player only has 15 secs every turn where he might have to do some calculations, tricky double-switches or predictions which take significant amount of thinking of various scenarios? I think either the 15 secs need to be increases to 30-40 secs or there needs to be another time-pool where the time which you didn't use out of 15 secs get saved to provide the player more time where he might need it ( something like showdown).
  6. Timer : https://w2.countingdownto.com/3067140
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