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Lola last won the day on December 12 2019

Lola had the most liked content!

About Lola

  • Birthday 04/09/1995

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Junior Trainer (3/12)



  1. Absolute +1 for this !
  2. I mistakenly deleted my Parasect. Could you give it back to me ? Thank you. Screen to prove it.
  3. .
  4. Really good idea, imo too
  5. Thanks for the guide !
  6. Up.
  7. Next time gives no time for the insta. Remains imprecise by specifying that it will be fixed during the induction. A message to specify that the insta has been added is sufficient. In any case, you had requested for the insta BEFORE 2 hours left. Then, as you can see, Flamming responded in the MINUTE that followed the price of the insta. Nothing would have changed.
  8. An insta does not have to be established at a specific time. It is authorized to fix it at the time of his choice. If he put it 1h40 before the end, it is totally his right. Flamming was also awake to watch for the insta. He was just luckier. There is no need to request a review.
  9. Up.
  10. The insta was added 1h40 (not 1h20 before the end as you claim) before the end of the auction. He said he would add it from the last two hours. A little IRL annoyance can happen to everyone. No need to look for the little beast.
  11. I do not know if it is good to report it now, if in doubt I prefer to do so. During a PVP match last night, I played "Sandslash Alolan" against "Skarmory". My Sandslash had a "Chople Berry". Skarmory did "counter" and I did "Sword Dance". Without having attacked it, counter a CONSUMES my "Chople Berry", which should not have happened since I did NOT attack it. Thank you for correcting this little bug which severely handicaps me in PVP. Best regards,
  12. Any insta for the first Eevee ?. Btw I offer 340k.
  13. 800k.
  14. Hello, Before presenting my point, I want to clarify a few things. - I am a very present player, having to my credit more than 3,600 hours of play. - I spend a lot of my time playing Pokemon, so it's not my habit to complain about the difficulty. If I do it here, it's because I've been pushed. That being said, here is what I wish to complain about; I decided there are now SIX days to make me a "Hitmonlee" PVP. As a result of which I went to hunt "Tyrogue". This one is in 4 places : - Amazon Forest, Tier 7 - Route 112, Tier 7 - Mt. Mortar B1F, Tier 7 - Love Island, Tier 8 After more than 2 hours, I had the "pleasure" of meeting 2 "Tyrogue". I first thought of bad luck. Well no, hours after hours, the "Tyrogue" were always so rare. I would like to make the appearance of Tyrogue more present. Second point : Faced with the accomplished fact, I resolved to go hunting "Hitmonlee" directly to the only spot possible : - Mt. Silver Lower Mountainside, Tier 8 Unlike "Tyrogue", it was possible to "repel trick" "Hitmonlee". It is now nearly six days that I am here. I spent almost 80 hours of my time, 3,000,000 pokedollars, and all my patience. Wondering what my patience is doing here ? Have you tried to hunt in "repel trick" the Hitmonlee ? Well, I wish you a lot of courage, to hunt with repels, we are obliged to classify from left to right. Here is the BEST spawn of Hitmonlee : I have reached a stage where I sincerely wonder if I will continue this game. It is UNCONSCIOUS to continue this way. I can assure you that in SIX days of hunting Hitmonlee in "repel trick", I can consider myself happy if I cross more than 2 in an hour. I summarize : - The spawns of Tyrogue are VERY WIDTHS below what one can expect from a third spawn 7. - Although the Hitmonlee / Hitmonchan are "repelable", we come across MUCH TOO LITTLE. - For spawn to "repel trick", it is UNCONVABLE to hunt with repel on two unique herbs. If you doubt that I advance. Understand that I'm not talking about capturing Tyrogue/Hitmonlee to complete my pokedex. I'm talking about chasing a GOOD pokemon, to play PVP. What's more, a pokemon that requires the hidden ability. We are not talking about an extremely strong pokemon, which everyone wants. We are talking here about a pokémon that is easy to access, and which unfortunately is horribly difficult to hunt.
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