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Everything posted by Kinhthoai

  1. want to buy gastrodon 01 spatk 200k there
  2. 60 days ms 230k or 320k?
  3. epic gl
  4. i did nt say hate u man!! jsut 1 like there u know
  5. discord KinhThoai#6565 or rep here
  6. DARKWOLF 4EVER NEVER SEE TRADE 'S PIC https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/108270-url DARKWOLF SPAM
  7. 4th call do u come online? DRshaw
  8. epic godly kingdra ss modest 31/31 25+ 400k+ for godly / epic 250k kanto johto 's kabuto ss ada 25+ivs 30+ atk/spd epic godly Pay 500k epic - 1m5 for godly politoed calm/bold godly bold 28+ pay 300k kanto's eevee/jolteon timid 31/31 hp ice 25+ 3m5 max offer kanto eevee h.a timid 31/31 or bold 28+ pay 2m msg 4rum or rep here Discord KinhThoai#5655 ty for reading.
  9. can u post the one's still on shop?
  10. 250k s.o
  11. nice shiny good luck
  12. Basilisgountis?
  13. when do u come online drshaw? 3rd call
  14. how much 16+ one cost ? not 31/31
  15. both gastrodon r sold?
  16. 1
  17. discord : KinhThoai#5655 or rep here
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