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Everything posted by Kinhthoai

  1. i lkf imp one but this 's godly i ever seen be4! gachu
  2. 1stbid by drshaw1991 700k
  3. from 1st bid now u won. can u meet me at mt silver now we can trade
  4. sold cle
  5. b.o by Agresivity insta 800k 23hours left
  6. ah end Kim won come viridian to trade
  7. 30mins to end Kim u can come cerulean to trade
  8. s.o 700k install 4m min bid 150k 48hours from1 st bid to end ah
  9. insta by glogS 4m
  10. from 1stbid by him 12hours left to end
  11. b.o by @vaidat357158 40hours from 1st bid to end 9 am gtc+2
  12. up
  13. b.o by eltyyy 1m2 37hours left to end ah
  14. w8 for 24hours
  15. 300k each
  16. The start offer is 1m The insta price is 4m The auction will last 48 hours from the first offer. Min. Bid: +200k.
  17. shiny cle s.o 200k insta 800k The auction will last 24 hours from the first offer. Min. Bid 50k shiny gya s.o 150k insta 300k The auction will last 24 hours from the first offer.
  18. add umbreon
  19. b.o 300k each
  20. player were around me disappeared. the client 's bug erro or something .
  21. i could 'nt use pokemon or bag to catch. too delay i got this yesterday at 20:00 pm gtc +7 time
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