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Everything posted by Kinhthoai

  1. 2nd call r u online now? we can trade
  2. 2nd call meet me at viridian city 'spc
  3. 5 calls to cancel the deal
  4. ah 's end drshaw1991 won. pm me here when u want to trade
  5. uh ng Vn khogn chat ingame
  6. closed
  7. ic ant do 2 jobs same time bro ;)) xd gl . some mod del thread pls ty to make buyer ez to find pkm which they want to buy
  8. k pm here
  9. sold umbre
  10. fuchsia now bro we trade
  11. sorry busy but i can train lv 100 move set u can do it by yourself
  12. u can come viridian city to trade pm me when u want to do it
  13. insta by @Leonidas92
  14. goodluck to u everyone ! pink and shiny coming :)) wish me more luck!! p/s if we die young or we live 4rever. we dont have power but we never say never.
  15. The start offer is 1m The insta price is 3m500k The auction will last 72 hours from the first bid Min. Bid: +100k on sunday october 07/2018 at 12 am cest .
  16. pm me in game i'm on fuchsia
  17. went to eat that time
  18. i'm on if u want to trade right now go to fuchsia
  19. all fire?
  20. sold close
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