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Everything posted by Kinhthoai

  1. 1st bid 3 days 1hour left
  2. pls non troll offtopic fake offer 'll be banned next auction. s.o 900k install 3m5 min bid 100k Accept cc=300k rerollivs=600k Rerollnature=300k and other shiny rares/pvp godly auction 'll end 72 hours from 1st bid repl here or dm discord KinhThoai#5655 goodluck to bid ty to read.
  3. Auction ends 4 days after the 1st bid Contact me here , ingame or at discord KinhThoai#5655 Starting bid is 1m Insta price is 4m . min bid 100k Accept Coin Capsule Bid 300k azumarill s.o 600k install 1m2
  4. she banned most ppl here https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/109280-url/?do=findComment&comment=612773
  5. ohoh oh i see
  6. 300k
  7. shiny topic
  8. gl
  9. 1st scyther 28/29 s.o 500k install 1m5 min bid 50k 24hours from 1st bid 2nd one 29/29 s.o 1m install 3m min bid 100k 48hours from 1st bid to end 3rd one 30/ 31 s.o 1m install 3m min bid 100k 72hours from 1 bid to end AH accept cc 270k goodluck to u ! discord KinhThoai#5655 or rep here.
  10. bump
  11. lar 150k pupita 100k 1st scyther s.o 200k insta 800k gliscor 150k-200k starryu offer Ah: 29/29 epic evs trained scyther s.o 1m5 install 3m8 end 48hours from 1st bid no cmd offtopic ty to reading. troll fake offer 'll be banned discord KinhThoai#5655
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