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Everything posted by Kinhthoai

  1. 31 iv dont need to show
  2. follow pro trade rules. no offtopic cmt ty. 10% discount for legacy's member. and chaos 's member s.o 700k insta: 2m min bid 50k . 72 hours rom 1 st bid gliscor offer sold weavile
  3. i used memento then stuck cant move , cant open back pack or talk to erika again. i reloged and back to viridian pc
  4. hello silver trainers follow pro trade rules i want to make a auction. s.o :15m . insta 25m min bid 200k 72hrs from 1st bid
  5. hello silver player goodluck hunt vulcan event follow pro trade rules s.o 500k /instal 2m/min bid 50k/dura : 48hours from 1st bid .(sold weavile) 48hrs from 1stbid scizor. s.o: 1m insta: 3m min bid 50k. sold: weavile
  6. hello time out do u sell ?
  7. https://www.pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/29538-url
  8. https://www.pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?forums/pro-rules.188/
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