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Everything posted by Kinhthoai

  1. anyone ?
  2. silver crashed. end Qasar won it . pm me ingame
  3. 1hours 13mins left to end
  4. newest bid 16hours to end
  5. can i ask your discord ign : aavash right?
  6. c.o 600k+1cc by chinoguada 24hours from now newest bid 1m2
  7. navie 31 speed /28+ spatk /atk hydreigon epic25+ godly28+ modest h.a chlo /hp fire cottonne/ whis ingame name: kinhthoai disocrd: katheryne J/dislike usa 's male
  8. cant w8 for it gl
  9. blocked list [spoiler=blocked list] [iSPOILER][/iSPOILER] ban block.txt
  10. hello silver player. i wanna do a auction 4 good pvp pkms. rules follow pro trade rule. 10%discount for legacy guild member auction 72 hours from 1st bid. fake offer will be blocked trade in 6 months goodluck. [spoiler=blocked list] 1st. azumarill s.o: 700k instal: 2m5 min bid: 50k 2nd gengar timid 31 / 31 s.o: 500k instal : 2m min bid: 50k 3rd . machamp guts adamt s.o: 1m instal: 3m min bid:100k 4th. hax jolly max speed s.o: 400k instal: 1m5 min bid 50k
  11. new rule cant cancel auction anymore
  12. offer 400k ign : kinhthoai discord: K-legacy's small cat.single
  13. want to buy tangrow sassy h.a 150k
  14. cant contact MrLutekPL
  15. 1st dragonite h.a nature : adam iv: 31 speed 26+ atk 20+ def res and hp 2nd venipede h.a (kanto pokemon) nature: jolly iv: 30+speed 28+ atk 20+ def res hp
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