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Everything posted by Kinhthoai

  1. hello silver player, i want to sell epic pvp pokemons. rules follow pro 's trade rules. dont rep fake offer . too many off -topic here . accept coin capsule 300k. iv reroll ticket 600k nature rrollt icket 300k 1st : scizor (sold insta) 2nd: eelektross: (sold insta) 3rd milotic : 48hrs from 1st bid( update 27hrs to end) b.o 1m1 by @Hastcali insta: 2m min bid 50k last ferrothorn : (sold insta) good luck to u . enjoy pinka event.
  2. i lend a lvl 100 hoenn garchomp to my friend . he need lvl100 pkm for story . then i got lend note your lend pk m is back to my box. i check but doesnt see it. pls help
  3. In-game name: kinhthoai Server: Silver Pokemon ID and/or screenshot: I accidentally leveled the flaaffy to 100 and need it deleveled! Please help me! [ATTACH=full]107777[/ATTACH]
  4. In-game name: kinhthoai Server: silver Pokemon ID and/or screenshot: I accidentally leveled my pkm to 100 and need it deleveled! Please help me!
  5. ty
  6. hello i'm player from silver i dont see my Nurse Joy npc cerulean cave2f but waleed 's from gold can http://prowiki.info/index.php?title=Cerulean_Cave#NPC_Battlables
  7. pm ingame : kinhthoai discord [LEgacy] oda's fan/k-thoai
  8. sorry areuslzgod won it 24hrsfrom 1st
  9. s.o scarfty by @ArceuslzGod 19hrs to end
  10. follow pro trade rules i want to sell. 1st/ gliscor(sold) scrafty(sold) ferrothorn s.o: 700k 1m min bid 50k. 24hrs to end magnezone hp fire s.o 300k min 50k insta 900k/ 24hrs from 1st bid
  11. In-game name: kinhthoai Server: silver Pokemon ID and/or screenshot: I accidentally leveled my pkm to 100 and need it deleveled! Please help me! i lvlup without rain .
  12. for the adamt one is 2m ingame
  13. i got a offer 8 ccs for jolly gliscor ingame
  14. sorry lowest offer 1m5
  15. In-game name:KinhThoai Server: silver pokemon id: 1st 38421079 2nd 38484283 3rd 35712784 I accidentally leveled my pokemons 100 and need them deleveled! Please help me!
  16. auction only scizor and looking for offer 2 gliscor weavile sold
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