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Posts posted by Deita



    If all you are going to do is list random specific scenarios I can play this game too. I'm not trying to say that BP is completely countered, but the tools to stop it exist, use your prediction and teambuilding skills.


    The only thing that can taunt a Scolipede is a Sableye (which is a trash pokemon) or any other pranksters, which are usually trash too.


    Taunt - Scolipede is not the ONLY baton passer. Taunt is great for gliscor and mew. Not to mention you should be taunting these in the first place to prevent hazards/defog/will-o-wisp etc.


    Unaware will not counter flinches.


    Unaware - Not every pokemon is a togekiss. Some matchups will be favored more than others.


    "I don't know why you think defog is a counter to baton pass, so i will ignore that. "


    Icy wind dos not have enough damage, unless you are insane enough to baton pass to a Dragonite on a Gengar. I also don't know how intimidate helps..."


    Intimidate/Defog/Icy wind - What I was explaining here was that adding a stat change to the baton passer will make it unable to baton pass.


    Only trash comps can beat Baton Pass... and since only a few people use it, its not worth to use trick room only to counter it. So you will just have to accept to lose when you match a baton pass user, abusing the speed boost bug.


    These were only some examples. More examples would include haze, clear smog, roar, dragon tail, etc, etc

    Baton passing doesn't mean you instantly lose.


    Let's also keep in mind that no team is going to have 100% win rate. If it's a priority that your team does not lose to baton pass change your team.

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  2. Baton pass is a playstyle, let the meta adapt naturally if it is in fact OP. There are already so many ways to beat BP..

    Click taunt, defog, predict, use priority, unaware pokemon, set up on the baton passer, use intimidate/icy wind..etc, etc.


    Having a PVP council to discuss topics like these would be great.

    PRO has some amazing players that have contributed big changes to where PRO PVP is today (recent ex. muk stall). These players should be listened to, they have proven they understand the meta.


    Nakofum and Qeight have some great insight. Definitely check out their posts out if you haven't already!

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