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Everything posted by Deita

  1. There is a shiny jolly 30 speed h.a. that exists iirc
  2. Tyranitar, Dragonite, Flygon x2 sold.
  3. start
  4. Salamence, Clefable, Arcanine x2 sold.
  5. +1 As a frequent azumarill user this is very annoying, instead of being able to switch in like on showdown, azu will just explode and die for no reason. I've also noticed that the calcs just don't match the damage output from foul play in general, it's definitely broken.
  6. Ferrothorn x2, Gyarados, Volcarona sold.
  7. Hey I'm interested in seeing a few pokes if possible. My discord is Delta#5204
  8. Roserade HP fire traded.
  9. Cloyster, Excadrill sold. Heracross traded.
  10. Tyranitar x2, Arcanine, Kabutops sold. Added lots of new pokemon!
  11. Insta price met by coleisdatboe
  12. Auction started by Cyanirl, ends in 24 hrs: https://countingdownto.com/?c=3066370
  13. Message me in game or on Discord: Deita / Delta#5204 S.O. 300k 100k min bid, 24 hr auction rounded to the nearest 0.5 hrs 2m insta Auction End: https://countingdownto.com/?c=3066370
  14. Breloom, Cloyster, Tyrantrum, Greninja x2, Volcarona sold.
  15. Azumarill x2, Rotom, Dragonite, Volcarona sold.
  16. Hey do you have screenshots for the 3 nidos, azumarill and gyarados? Thanks
  17. Auction ended for altaria, sold to pinkbanana! Edit: Rotom Trade
  18. 6 hrs ~ Left for Altaria!
  19. Rotom x3, Bisharp x2, Altaria sold.
  20. Rotom won by 00200z! Message me in game/forums or on discord: Deita / Delta#5204
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