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Everything posted by Lupo93

  1. Lupo93


    Hi guys I would like to suggest a new way to get legendaries in the game, working for both old and new ones: using a sort of dungeon. Let me explain - sometimes, during the world quest, it may happen that the server does not reach the required IVs - making people waste time to end up getting nothing; other than that, I think that it's very important to remind you that once you get all the available legendaries, participating in the world quest feels worthless. I believe that introducing the legendary dungeon would also be a great way to strenghten and connect the community. The world quest mechanic, on the other hand, could be used to give out some other rewards such as pve coins, special items etc (you name it). Let me know what you think
  2. sorry I close the shop, wrong section XD
  3. Welcome To: POKEITALIA TRADE SHOP Payment methods: Pokédollars Coin Capsule (400k) IV Reroll Ticket (700k) Nature Reroll Ticket (300k) LUPO93- Lupo93#7061
  4. Lupo93


    Come ti chiami su discord? @Splashmachine33
  5. Starting:500k Minimum raise: 100k No insta 48h after start
  6. No, the auction starts with a bid of 1m
  7. the auction starts with the price of 1m @Cssy
  8. @Agatethe price to start the auction is 1m, if you want to offer that amount I will be happy to start the auction
  9. Starting: 1m Minimum raise: 200k No insta 72h after start
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