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Everything posted by Hercules

  1. I'd appreciate if you use the thread just for offering or if you're really interested in buying any mon.
  2. Glad you got it back. Have a good day.
  3. Hello there, Looks like you've accidentally released your eevee. However, I've recovered it back, can you check and confirm it? Looking forward to your reply. Regards,
  4. Please be gentle to the player and there's no need to get frustrated as the auction has not ended yet.
  5. The seller was punished for improper auction and disregarding our trade rules. The mon was moved to Pomelos' account who is the legit winner of the auction. Thanks for comprehending.
  6. Refrain from commenting if you're not interested in the auction. Ignoring the warning will lead to sanctions. Thanks.
  7. Is the auction over yet? seems like 2 days have already past. @gawamc
  8. Post your offers or just ignore if you're not interested. Further comments will be punished.
  9. Closing the thread as the user is currently banned from PRO.
  10. Thread locked for fake auction. Locked.
  11. Removed latinpro's offer as it was a fake offer,you can continue with the auction now.
  12. The auction should be over by now,do you still have the pokemon with you or sold?
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