Here is the imgur album with shiny pokes that i will sell for good price.
Yesterday Shamac throwed a bomb on economy of yellow server and due this alot of ppl started or will start to sell good pokes for cheap. I won't hide I also want to get one of shinys from Shamac, so this is why i made this shop. But there is one thing - I won't sell pokes for cheap. I understand i may not get the poke i want, so i prefer to keep poke over selling it for cheap.
I am accepting pokedollars and prefering em over coins and trade for other shinys. But this still can be done... I can trade 2 or 3 shinys for high tier shiny etc.
Sorry for long message :D Have fun and enjoy!
All offers that i don't like will be refused / ignored !
Don't ask how much, just give me an offer.