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Everything posted by Justlegend

  1. Ppl who were kicked due innactivity. To join back just contact me :)
  2. Pm me on discord :) u have link
  3. It was sold today in game .
  4. If "matiin" is marill then PM me, in game or on discord.
  5. There is no best offer, all offers so far were refused because they were too low.
  6. 6.5m from me:D
  7. bump......
  8. Find me in game or on discord.
  9. 5,5m from me :)
  10. It was sold earlier today for more than u offered... and if you readed my message u would see that i ignore all offers i don't like
  11. Donphan, Gengar and aipom were sold today in game.
  12. Bro! Your opinion is very important for me, tnx for your message but please, don't send unnecesary messages. If you want to bit then bid, if no just ignore.
  13. Here is the imgur album with shiny pokes that i will sell for good price. Yesterday Shamac throwed a bomb on economy of yellow server and due this alot of ppl started or will start to sell good pokes for cheap. I won't hide I also want to get one of shinys from Shamac, so this is why i made this shop. But there is one thing - I won't sell pokes for cheap. I understand i may not get the poke i want, so i prefer to keep poke over selling it for cheap. I am accepting pokedollars and prefering em over coins and trade for other shinys. But this still can be done... I can trade 2 or 3 shinys for high tier shiny etc. Sorry for long message :D Have fun and enjoy! All offers that i don't like will be refused / ignored ! Don't ask how much, just give me an offer.
  14. Yes, add me in game and / or join us on discord.
  15. guys just PM me in game, i am not so active in PRO lately...
  16. bumping
  17. Re: Softboiled and Unaware ability combined - Allow or Ban from ranked PvP or not? <t>No, don't ban.</t>
  18. add me in game... i tried few times but you were off
  19. Players who where kicked for innactivity. For joining back you need to PM me here or in game / discord .
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