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  1. I've seen pictures before, now I can not see any, why? e.g. location of Mr. moon was shown and now I can not see this picture. I can not see it on the second browser, so I suspect they have been removed. Can you restore it?
  2. cost 20k (questions increase the price)
  3. How do you get honey?
  4. [spoiler=Seafoam Enter] [spoiler=Seafoam 1F] [spoiler=Seafoam B1F] [spoiler=Seafoam B2F] [spoiler=Seafoam B3F] [spoiler=Seafoam B4F]
  5. Do you want to complete your collections? you can buy pokemony from me: You can write in the game (my nick Energiax) or in this topic. The price (for ordinary): 1000+500*lv {example Pikachu 5 lv cost 3500}
  6. E4? What are you talking about? Do you mean badges? I have 7 badges, together with sinabar and safaron.
  7. Sailor says only "a beautiful day today" and nothing more... help?
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