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Posts posted by Wangzii

  1. I recently got promoted to Leader in guild but for some reason, I cannot use the /gpromote command to promote my members to officers. Please help me look into this guild bug. Thanks!

  2. Didn’t you look at the screenshot Cheef posted? Most likely, they won’t look into it until the next client update. Oo it’s been a few days tho lol but yeah still nothing((:


    One more week, and it’ll be an entire month that Staffs have neglected to prioritize on giving our money back.


    New client update came and they still have done absolutely nothing about it yet gg.

  3. Oo I tried it but it’s still not working ughh I feel like the game still thinks I’m an Officer because I recently got promoted as Guild Leader. Must be a bug. I guess I’ll wait for a staff to fix it. Thanks for trying to help tho Sgarac(;

  4. Hi, I believe I have found a bug where I cannot promote my members to officers within the guild. Can you please help me check what’s going on? Thanks! Btw, it keeps saying “You can not Promote this User any higher.”

  5. Yeah it’s pretty disappointing how they can use the excuse about not having time to prioritize giving back what we players have loss due to a bug that they were able to fix right away. Imo, the longer they postpone it, perhaps it’ll be much harder for them to backtrack how much each player have loss from the bug. It’s almost July, let’s hope they actually give us an update about it. At this point, I won’t be surprise if they be like “sorry we are unable to recover logs on how much each person have loss.”

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  6. I’m experiencing the same problem while battling a friend and I wasn’t even doing PvP. I went from like 2.9m down to 2.2m. I don’t have any screenshots either since I wasn’t aware of the bug and there isn’t an announcement about it. I have over 3400+ hours and can confirm this bug is occurring.

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