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Posts posted by Wangzii

  1. I was guiding the Valentine Nidoqueen towards the Valentine Drifblim. The server crashed and now they disappeared. Can a staff help me make them reappear again? Thanks! because without them, I don't think I can have access to Dragons Neck. Thanks again.

    "We will have to go to Nido Isle during night time (20:00 - 04:00 ingame time) to go and help Nidoqueen escape as that is when the conservationists who looks after the place will be off duty." I didn't realize this was within the guide. I will try again during night time. Thanks!

  2. For Mega Garchomp, after talking to all the book shelf within Canalave Library, Cynthia is on the second floor Canalave Library 2F.


    Also, the Super Boss Tourist line up is Garchomp (with Fire Blast and Dragon Tail), Sigilyph, Golurk, another Garchomp, Cofagrigus, and Clefable.


    Cynthia line up: Spiritomb (I highly recommend lead with Electrode or an Ampharos spam Eerie Impulse and Flash.) Lucario (Sashed + Swords Dance), Togekiss, Milotic, Roserade, and Mega Garchomp.

  3. On 11/10/2020 at 9:49 PM, Timidpolitoed said:

    Do bosses. Rush accounts. Do bosses with them as well. Getting rerolls is way easier than getting ladder.


    Exactly. This is meant to be a Pokémon MMO AKA you must grind. If you’re not consistently doing dig spots every 3 days or 20 bosses every week then you’re not grinding hard enough. Making Poké dollars isn’t hard at all. (700-750k can buy you a Reroll Ticket from another player.) Just saying. You can also get Reroll Tickets with PVE/PVP Coins, possibly from doing the News Reporter over in Solaceon as well as battling the Suspicious Bot in Dock Island.


    However, the point is if you know how to grind for Reroll Tickets, eventually, you can make your Legendaries decent IVs right? Besides, if you got enough skills/experience in PvP, who say you need Godly IVs in PvP just to win?


    Also, it’s not like you’re guaranteed Top 25 if you have all those Top Legendary pokemon. It depends on your team comp as well. From what I heard, it’s probably easier in Gold Server to get into Top 25 compared to over on Silver.

  4. 2 hours ago, iammeetdp said:

    Hey there... 


    Start Price :- 500k


    Min raise:- 100k


    Insta:- Not yet decided 


    Auction Ends at 12/10 1:00 PM (GMT +5:30)





    I was thinking about bidding but and then I hesitated since evidently the person isn’t aware of the auction rules. (Rather not waste my time on an auction if there’s suddenly an insta.)


    not allowed to add insta once the  auction starting offer price already met right?@Hawlucha

  5. I was 83 IVs away from completing it lol but I started a bit too late. I didn’t bother submitting my Scraggys since I knew I wouldn’t make it in time for .5% anyway but I guess the key is to be able to start hunting as soon as WQ begin tho.

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