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Cosanostra last won the day on July 7 2021

Cosanostra had the most liked content!

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Advanced Trainer (4/12)



  1. Bump, 40 minutes left aron 2.
  2. 420k
  3. 320k
  4. - ACCEPTED CURRENCIES - Pokedollars Reroll Ticket - 500k Nature Reroll - 250k Coin Capsule - 380k Rare Candy - 7k - CONTACT - IGN - Cosanostra Discord - Cosanostra#9359 - RULES - 1 - Any fake offer will be reported. 2 - Be careful ! You can't cancel your offer. 3 - Auction ends 24 hours after the first bid (GMT+2). 4 - No insta Start offer : 2m Min bid : 100k No insta
  5. Ok thanks for the answer. I will make another auction with more pokes
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