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Everything posted by Kirbypink

  1. Communication is key! Thanks for telling us :)
  2. As the title suggests, my Combee, level 30, did not learn Bug Buzz at level 29, cannot relearn Bug Buzz from move relearner, and Vesipquen can't learn it at all, so I must learn it before it evolves. I apologise if there is a Bug Buzz move tutor i'm not aware of, but if there is, please direct me to it.
  3. Re: ► Spawn Repel Trick ~ All known pokemon spawns [NEW REPEL TRICKS~ 8/4/2017]◄ <r><QUOTE author="PreHax" post_id="421955" time="1501880218" user_id="1120928"><s> </e></QUOTE> o: I never even knew! Thanks for your constant work!</r>
  4. Re: ► Spawn Repel Trick ~ All known pokemon spawns [NEW REPEL TRICKS~ 8/4/2017]◄ <t>Red made so many amazing changes that support the repel trick, I'm so happy! Hunting will be even better now.</t>
  5. Re: Spawn Repel Trick ~ All known pokemon [added 10 new ones (Larvitar included) ~ Updated 5/13/2017] <t>Thanks for the new spawns, amazing job as always!</t>
  6. Thanks for everything, make sure to visit sometime!!
  7. oh god the gifs xD Haha yeah, I love them ^_^
  8. Welcome to PRO! :D
  9. It looks like the real thing! Route 202 looks awesome! Keep up the good work!
  10. Welcome to PRO! :D
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhiZrE5QrDY and
  12. Am I allowed to comment here? Because those maps look absolutely stunning!
  13. Re: "OK/cancel" subway <t>I definitely agree with this, as it instantly transports us when we click on a city.</t>
  14. Welcome to PRO! :D
  15. Only 90's kids remember the 90's Welcome to PRO! :D
  16. Awesome to have you Atheon! Welcome to PRO! :D
  17. Hi, and welcome to PRO! :D
  18. I like the sound of your name Loomish :D Welcome to PRO
  19. Glad you're enjoying the game, Welcome to PRO! :D
  20. I used Budew in my adventure, and I'd say it helped a whole lot. Although evolving to Roserade can be a bit of a challenge early on, it's still a nice pokemon to get.
  21. Sounds awesome, welcome to PRO!
  22. Welcome to Pro! I'd love to visit France one day :D
  23. Its great to meet you! Welcome to Pro :D
  24. I've gotta admit, I would really love for a queue to be introduced - It's a bit challenging to log in sometimes, although it normally doesn't take too long such as days or weeks - normally just a few minutes. The trick is to watch the server count and dive in once there's a space! :3
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