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Everything posted by Bethebeast

  1. hmm mech are good but it will be awesome if we have some changes in normal forms too, like a little moving flames from cracks in trevant or maybe you can combine its first firm in it just like a small phantom following trevant, it would be nice
  2. we have to wait for them ig
  3. Water Team: - Kingdra: a Dragon/Water type with high Special Attack and access to moves like Hydro Pump and Dragon Pulse for powerful water and dragon attacks. - Sharpedo: a fast physical attacker with access to moves like Crunch and Aqua Jet for quickly taking down opponents. - Milotic: a Water type with high Special Defense and access to moves like Scald and Recover for tanking and healing. - Lapras: a bulky Water/Ice type with access to moves like Freeze-Dry and Thunderbolt for coverage and versatility. - Tentacruel: a Water/Poison type with access to moves like Toxic Spikes and Rapid Spin for support and hazard control. - Slowbro: a Water/Psychic type with high Defense and access to moves like Slack Off and Scald for tanking and damage. Grass Team: - Serperior: a fast Grass type with access to moves like Leaf Storm and Coil for sweeping and stat boosting. - Whimsicott: a fast Grass/Fairy type with access to moves like Encore and U-turn for disrupting opponents and pivoting out. - Ferrothorn: a bulky Grass/Steel type with access to moves like Stealth Rock and Leech Seed for support and hazard control. - Tsareena: a physical Grass type with access to moves like Trop Kick and Queenly Majesty for disrupting and weakening opponents. - Lilligant: a special Grass type with access to moves like Quiver Dance and Sleep Powder for sweeping and control. - Abomasnow: a bulky Grass/Ice type with access to moves like Blizzard and Wood Hammer for coverage and hail support. Electric Team: - Rotom-Wash: an Electric/Water type with access to moves like Hydro Pump and Volt Switch for coverage and pivoting. - Zebstrika: a fast Electric type with access to moves like Flame Charge and Wild Charge for sweeping and damage. - Togedemaru: a fast Electric/Steel type with access to moves like Zing Zap and Spiky Shield for disrupting and weakening opponents. - Galvantula: a fast Bug/Electric type with access to moves like Thunder and Sticky Web for coverage and hazard control. - Eelektross: a bulky Electric type with access to moves like Coil and Drain Punch for tanking and healing. - Heliolisk: a special Electric/Normal type with access to moves like Thunderbolt and Surf for coverage and versatility. Fire & Psychic Team: - Charizard: a strong physical attacker with access to moves like Flare Blitz and Dragon Claw, it can deal massive damage to Grass and Ice-type bosses. - Alakazam: a fast special attacker with access to moves like Psychic and Focus Blast, it can take down Fighting and Poison-type bosses. - Arcanine: a physical attacker with high speed and access to moves like Extremespeed and Wild Charge, it can quickly take down bosses weak to Fire-type moves. - Espeon: a fast special attacker with access to moves like Morning Sun and Calm Mind, it can deal decent damage while also keeping the team healthy. - Chandelure: a special attacker with access to moves like Shadow Ball and Heat Wave, it can deal massive damage to Grass and Ice-type bosses. - Delphox: a special attacker with access to moves like Flamethrower and Psychic, it can deal decent damage to a variety of types while also providing support with moves like Will-O-Wisp. Ground & Flying Team: - Garchomp: a strong physical attacker with access to moves like Earthquake and Dragon Claw, it can deal massive damage to Electric and Rock-type bosses. - Gliscor: a physical attacker with high defense and access to moves like Earthquake and Roost, it can tank hits while dealing decent damage. - Landorus: a physical attacker with access to moves like Fly and Earth Power, it can quickly take down bosses weak to Ground and Flying-type moves. - Togekiss: a special attacker with high defense and access to moves like Air Slash and Thunder Wave, it can deal decent damage while also providing support with moves like Heal Bell. - Crobat: a fast physical attacker with access to moves like Brave Bird and U-turn, it can quickly take down bosses weak to Flying-type moves. - Skarmory: a physical attacker with high defense and access to moves like Roost and Steel Wing, it can tank hits while also providing support with moves like Stealth Rock. Water & Ice Team: - Lapras: a physical attacker with access to moves like Hydro Pump and Ice Beam, it can deal massive damage to Fire and Ground-type bosses. - Dewgong: a physical attacker with high defense and access to moves like Icicle Spear and Aqua Jet, it can tank hits while dealing decent damage. - Cloyster: a physical attacker with high defense and access to moves like Shell Smash and Ice Shard, it can quickly take down bosses weak to Ice-type moves. - Walrein: a tank with high HP and access to moves like Surf and Sheer Cold, it can deal decent damage while also tanking hits. - Jynx: a special attacker with access to moves like Blizzard and Lovely Kiss, it can deal massive damage to Grass and Flying-type bosses while also controlling them. - Empoleon: a special attacker with high defense and access to moves like Flash Cannon and Surf, it can deal decent damage while also tanking hits. Hit me up for correction and new strategies! Kind regards Bethebeast
  4. Teams combinations : 1. Fire/Water/Grass: Charizard, Blastoise, Venusaur, Typhlosion, Feraligatr, Meganium 2. Electric/Ice/Fighting: Jolteon, Lapras, Machamp, Raichu, Weavile, Poliwrath 3. Dragon/Psychic/Ground: Dragonite, Alakazam, Garchomp, Espeon, Flygon, Mewtwo 4. Dark/Ghost/Flying: Umbreon, Gengar, Crobat, Honchkrow, Spiritomb, Gliscor 5. Steel/Rock/Fighting: Metagross, Tyranitar, Lucario, Aggron, Conkeldurr, Terrakion 6. Water/Flying/Grass: Gyarados, Pelipper, Tropius, Ludicolo, Swanna, Sceptile 7. Bug/Psychic/Flying: Butterfree, Scyther, Xatu, Beautifly, Venomoth, Espeon 8. Electric/Ground/Fighting: Electivire, Donphan, Breloom, Lucario, Conkeldurr, Golem 9. Fire/Ghost/Dragon: Charizard, Chandelure, Salamence, Houndoom, Hydreigon, Gyarados 10. Ice/Water/Flying: Lapras, Articuno, Swanna, Mantine, Cloyster, Glaceon 11. Steel/Flying/Psychic: Skarmory, Metagross, Espeon, Xatu, Bronzong, Sigilyph 12. Electric/Psychic/Ground: Raichu, Alakazam, Golem, Claydol, Hippowdon, Excadrill 13. Grass/Rock/Fighting: Sceptile, Torterra, Breloom, Machamp, Terrakion, Crustle 14. Water/Fighting/Dragon: Poliwrath, Kingdra, Gyarados, Lapras, Dragonite, Hydreigon 15. Bug/Steel/Ground: Scizor, Steelix, Flygon, Forretress, Excadrill, Aggron 16. Fire/Psychic/Fighting: Infernape, Medicham, Gallade, Blaziken, Emboar, Lucario 17. Water/Rock/Ground: Gastrodon, Kabutops, Quagsire, Swampert, Whiscash, Golem 18. Grass/Ghost/Dragon: Roserade, Gourgeist, Sceptile, Goodra, Dragonite, Trevenant 19. Normal/Flying/Psychic: Pidgeot, Staraptor, Braviary, Noctowl, Xatu, Espeon 20. Fire/Electric/Fighting: Arcanine, Electivire, Blaziken, Infernape, Emboar, Breloom 21. Grass/Water/Flying: Ludicolo, Swanna, Tropius, Gyarados, Sceptile, Vaporeon 22. Bug/Water/Rock: Kabutops, Omastar, Kabutops, Armaldo, Wailord, Crustle 23. Steel/Water/Fighting: Empoleon, Mienshao, Keldeo, Swampert, Steelix, Gyarados 24. Fire/Water/Electric: Charizard, Blastoise, Jolteon, Vaporeon, Ampharos, Magmortar Experiment with different abilities and combinations of Pokémon to find the strategies that work best for you in battles.
  5. I gived a Pokemon as lend to a player but that player is now offline can return my Pokemon Kind regards Bethebeast
  6. Iam from gold server and I evolve my kirlia into gardiwor by mistake and now can you please de evolve it so it can evolve it in gallade (ralts is male ) Thx for hardwork^_^ Have a good day Damm I spend last 300k. On buying this as ralts Now I have less than 5k with me XD I BUYED TO SELL IT AGAIN but it's waste of a Pokemon now XD well I think it's ok I guess I been looking forward to get help In future if possible!! °^ __^° Thx for your quick reply and hardwork
  7. You want the answer of my question? If you remember question
  8. Ys thats why i just send picure in reply:-)
  9. Its bisharp which is for sale
  10. Start bid : 700k min increase : 50k insta : 2.1m Accept Coin Capsule : 200k Auction end time : 5days 15 hours (from this post)
  11. Offer price here and take pokemon at game if your price got selected
  12. Offer price and take pokemon if your price got accepted
  13. Offer price and take pokemon if your price got accepted
  14. Offer price and take pokemon if your price got accepted
  15. Offer a price here and take it in game i price got accepted
  16. Selling 5 bms for 186k each
  17. Bro can you fix one more thing sometimes when i try to link Pokemon from direct pc to any chat. Then Pokemon got freez on screen and we ate not able to remove it from screen& one more sometimes game will show you a same Pokemon at two places. For ex :- you have only one larvest but game will show you two larvest one in your team. And 2nd in your pc. Hope you will fix it bro because 2nd bug is reason why my account is bann
  18. Bro Pls tell me don't for rent Pokemon Pls
  19. When you draging your pokemon to 1st pokemon in your team and suddenly a wild pokemon comes oit to battle. At thet time you got moves of pokemon which was on 1st and pokemon which comes out is the pokemon whixh is in top
  20. At 20th July my money suddenly got deducted to 50K to 37K without any purchase. I don't know how they got deducted. Pls fix that and I need my money back as fast as possible
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