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  1. @KATowiczanin i think i won
  2. s.o.: 80K min. bid: 20k insta: 1M duration: 24 hours after first bid (**after last 30min each bid add 20min**) accept pokedollars, cc=400k, RR=700k Thanks and good luck!
  3. ty so much i am appreciate what you did
  4. please restore him and long time ago i release mew for nikola and his dident works me so if you can restore mew or the quest ty for help
  5. Hello team pro first i woulde say ty for evry thing you are doing i have idea to improve the game 1)i woulde like if you can coded the move "Tearful Look" 2)i was i think make new toll and call him "mini pc" with 10-20 places put pokes your choice this item can switch poke outside the poke center and also release pokes but* only active ms could use him and you must put very hard quest to get it and the access to the quest woulde be only to ms players who pass all regions
  6. can be close no for sale any more
  7. Auction for a Halloween Rapidash joly START OFFER: 1M MIN BID: 100K INSTA: 7M ACCEPT: CC=390K / RR=690K Auction will end 48H (2 Days) After first bid. GL (each bid add 30min)
  8. ty for eply so now i undersand what the mistake i did can i ask you bring mew back please?
  9. ty for reply i released him for reset ivs with nikola is work me last time and now no
  10. i realse mew and got this massge is not ready to battel me please help
  11. hello dear pro team i want teach sableye disable and is cant learn that on this game but this site say is can so if you can with lv 15 add its move i be glad https://pokemondb.net/pokedex/sableye
  12. sold insta can be close
  13. s.o 800k min bid 100k insta 2m cc=400k rr=700k lugia shadow wings =1m 48 hours after first offer
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