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Everything posted by Tonnish

  1. IGN: Tonnish Discord Tag: Tonnish#8242 Server: Silver [spoiler=Cool] [spoiler=Ugly] [spoiler=Funny]
  2. I'm always down to loan pokemon and still very likely to sell the dex pokemon also. I will loan pokemon at a starting price of 5k (going up depending on the rarity of pokemon). For selling I do not have set prices so message me on discord at Tonnish#8242 or Tonnish in game. When messaging me please tell me the ID No. so I know which pokemon to look at. If there is not a pokemon here that you want, message me on discord and I might have/be able to get. Thank you for visiting and have a good day! Here is also my other shop filled with mostly story pokemon and some shinies (this is mostly for newer players): Tonnish's Shop [spoiler=Dex Pokemon]
  3. This shop is more for the newer players as I'm just selling story pokemon and some shiny pokemon here for now (planning to add epic and other pokemon in the future). You can contact me at Tonnish#8242 in discord or Tonnish in game. I do not have set prices but I'm looking for about 30k as a starting price and going up depending on the pokemon. You can pay me in coin capsule (230k), iv reroll ticket (520k), nature reroll ticket (270k), 60 day MS (450k), 30 day MS (230k), 15 day MS (115k). When messaging me please tell me the ID No. so I know which pokemon to look at. If there is not a pokemon here that you want, message me on discord and I might have/be able to get. Thank you for visiting and have a good day! Here is also my other shop for some of the rarer pokemon to complete your pokedex: Tonnish's Loan/Dex Shop [spoiler=Story Pokemon] [ATTACH=full]43679[/ATTACH] [spoiler=Shiny Pokemon] [spoiler=Other Pokemon]
  4. Count me in and gl everyone!
  5. Username: Tonnish Server: Silver
  6. I accidently deleted my level 90 scythe. I have a full screen picture and a zoomed in of the chat. I don't need it right away but when you have time it would be nice to get it back.
  7. I checked the news multiple times after I beat Latias just to make sure. Here are the screenshots of the tv and the areas where Latios is supposed to be: . Thanks for responding and hopefully you can help me. If there is anything else you need please let me know.
  8. *Ignore* (Was duplicate message)
  9. I find Latias pretty easy. For Latios it has been a very different story. For the ten spots where Latios can be I searched about 5 times each to check multiple times and I still cannot find it. Can someone please help me or tell me what to do? The tv does say blue pokemon is roaming around.
  10. Tonnish


    Hms already have the name next to them. I think it would be easier for newer players or people who don't remember all the Tm names by number to do the same. I know for me it would be more efficient because I hover over the Tm to read each one separately. Thanks for reading, Tonnish
  11. Hello :) Q: What is your IGN? Tonnish Q: What is your discord name? Tonnish#8284 Q: What is your timezone? Central Q: How many hours of PRO do you have? 39 hours Q: What is your favourite Pokemon? Rayquaza Q: Why do you want to join King of Games? Everything I do I want to be the best at and after I complete the story in Pokémon Revolution Online I will focus on pvp and completing my pokedex. I'm also want to become apart of an awesome community where we can have fun and compete at the same time. Other info: I love strategy games. I actually used to watch you (Kirames and Tutpup) play Duel Links. I reached King of Games on Duel Links multiple times. I also have played Hearthstone and reached legend several times.
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