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Everything posted by Veliox

  1. I sent you a friend invite on Discord as well, hope it arrives not sure Discord recognized your name properly.
  2. No worries there, I sent you another request on Discord, you just have to go ahead to accept it and I can write you then
  3. Venusaur auction won by and sold to @BojacK (sidenote he picked it up with his alt account)
  4. Going to contact you both via Discord, thanks for the application!
  5. Bump, last 14H on the Venusaur auction. Charizard yet to be started.
  6. Noted, Venu started. Will update the post and add a timer shortly.
  7. For Auction Today: Max Spd Jolly Charizard & HP Fire Chlorophyll Venusaur S.O: 1M each C.O: 1M - Venusaur Winner @BojacK MIN BID: 250k Insta: 1.5M Charizard / Insta: 2.5M Venusaur Duration : 48hrs after the first bid. Timer for Venusaur: Here ACCEPTED PAYMENTS METHODS Coin Capsule - 380K Reroll Ticket - 650K Contact: Discord - Veliox#0069 In-Game - Veliox
  8. I want to buy those 2. You can contact me in the forum, ingame under: Veliox or on Discord under: Veliox#0069 Thanks!
  9. Hi there, Thank you for your application and filling out the form, I will reach out to you via Discord.
  10. Veliox

    PRO PvP Sets (WIP)

    He wrote 1spd IVs, not EVs the lower the spd on ferro the better
  11. Bump, we are still looking for more members
  12. I will buy Kingdra & Honedge 4
  13. I will buy the Pelipper
  14. I will buy the Swampert
  15. Veliox

    Can be closed

    Best of luck!
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