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Everything posted by Ansufatismo

  1. Yow! I can offer 15m to start if you want
  2. Auction ended, @Empirefc 150k won, dm me when u online
  3. Litwick auction 24 Hours Ends at 19:00 cest 11/12/2024 C.o. 150k by Empirefc Min bid 50k no insta
  4. Depending if the poke is trash, decent or nice, could talk about price Mankey scyther porygon Poliwhirl (or poliwag) jynx omanyte Shellder electabuzz omastar (or omanyte) Cloyster (or shellder) magmar Hitmonlee lapras dratini Hitmonchan dragonair Weezing (or koffing) eevee dragonite Chansey vaporeon Kangaskhan flareon mr mime jolteon Examples of my pc
  5. Yow! wtb Kofing and Horsea, pm when you are online ^^
  6. Charizard clone 500K Glalie Xmas 100k Squirtle summer 1.5m Haunter halloween 100k Golduck Xmas 80k Exeggcute Easter 125k Psyduck Xmas 40k Azurill Xmas 100K Mareep Xmas 25k Wingull Summer 50k Ursaring Xmas 40k SOLD
  7. a
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  9. .
  10. Auction started? Just a few hours?
  11. Auction Sold to Mythicallegend 350k Min raise 50k No insta 24 hours left STARTS AT 23:47 GMT+0 22/08 ENDS AT 23:47 GMT+0 23/08
  12. ª
  13. Auct ends! You won @Hundjager, pm here or in game when you can ^^
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